Can I Do Squats and Deadlifts Same Workout?

Since we are talking about me, nothing I do is smart. I don’t care about being smart; just effectice.

And this is effective.


I’m by no means an expert or even really that experienced but what I’m doing right now is a variation of Deadlifts that address my current weakness so for me that’s a DL Variation that hits my hamstrings really hard after I squat and then I have a separate deadlift day where I go heavy on a few variations

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it is effective.

my goal is size and strength. it works.

out of curiosity, what other possible response could I have had? See if any of these actually make sense to you:

‘no, you will neither get bigger nor stronger doing this’

‘you will get stronger, but your muscles will stay exactly the same size.’

‘your muscles will grow, but they won’t be any stronger’

In what world do any of those responses make sense to you?


Pretty sure it goes like this:

Yeah if I do 1-5 reps.

Yeah if I do 8-12 reps!

But only if I do 6 or 7 reps in a set. That rep range don’t work FYI IMO GTFO!