Can I Do 5x3 Instead of 3x5 Starting Strength?

er… no. For beginners this is a recipe for injury not to mention hit an almightly plateau.

If “love being in the gym” look up some Thib workouts like Zombie Apocalypse or Layers

At this point you’re not doing Starting Strength. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s the truth.

From my own experience, I was doing 5x3 on the big lifts when I first started and I’m now on Starting Strength as written. 3x5 seems to challenge me more and I’m making improvements each session vs. most sessions on the 5x3. This is simply my experience and is not meant to sway you one way or the other.

But seriously, Starting Strength works optimally when you follow it. If you can’t or won’t follow it I’d suggest doing something else.