Can I Change the Title When I Think of Something Witty?

11th September


5x27. 5

5xpush ups
5x hanging leg raises
Giant set EMOM for 10 minutes.

Oh man, didn’t think I could beat my last rep pr on deadlift, and at rep 15 thought about sacking it off. However, bar speed didn’t slow until 23 and kept good technique throughout so I’m pretty happy with that set.

Rep pr on the press, no idea if I’ve done more but I’m not going to check!

Assistance I thought I would borrow from Neversate, probably more conditioning than anything but actually doing assistance work is better than not, so why not? Was hoping I could hold myself accountable to the clock as I only let myself off the hook if I try and push myself. Seemed to work quite well.


Exactly! But if it was enjoyable it wouldn’t be hard conditioning. The running, not the VD.

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And then I woke up with my spine laying next to me, lol. Great work, I can’t even fathom taking DL past 10.

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Haha thanks, they were “enjoyable” in a way. Pr sets really seem to help me push myself a bit more, hoping for some good gains down the line.

531 without PR sets feels tedious as fuck.

Didn’t run yesterday as I felt drained at the end of a stressful week, but things are on the up.

Woke today (Saturday) with every part of me riddled with doms. Got the running in mid morning:


Sucked even more than 4x400m, I was basically jogging by the end.

House move is happening end of next week, so I have to decide whether I skip training days the latter part of the week or squeeze all in the start of the week…

I have enjoyed some leader templates from Forever, but feel like I didn’t make measurable progress this way. But there were other factors, injuries, recovery at play too, and many people here have smashed prs using 5s pro.

I’ve only just started reading Forever, so I can’t really comment. I’m planning to run 531 for the entirety of 2021 though, so there will be plenty of opportunity for me to test it out

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14th September

16+4X42.5 (RP)

Bb curl 2x20x20kg - 20, 15+10 RP
Tricep extension 2x25x10kg
Leg raises 3x15

Final squat workout in the shed, thought I better push it a little. My legs had more but my lungs and brain said noooooooope.

Bench I wanted 20 but hit 16 and the bar suddenly weighed triple. Rest paused the final 4.

Was planning for 10emom assistance but after 4 hours (broken) sleep I couldn’t be arsed so easy stuff.

I did take a video of the squats, might throw it up later. Happy Monday all!


Topset of squats from this morning. I’m rushing the descent and my bar path is wonky. Requires improvement. Might do me good to get under some heavier weights, but I will let 531 trundle me there eventually.

Edit (don’t want to spam my own log)
Conditioning tonight - sacked off running as calves and anterior tibialis very sore, almost feels like shin splints which I do not want a repeat of so save the running for later this week. Spent 30 mins wearing the weight vest doing household chores superset with push ups and squats (slow descent as I was dive bombing even these).


You’re doing 30 reps man, that’s some good work. You aren’t going to make all 30 look picture perfect.

Thanks man. I got excited about leaving the shed gym!

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Wednesday 16th September




Band pull aparts, lots of
Sit ups, some of

Utterly rinsed today, maybe the squats on Monday were a bad idea… Wanted 25 for my deadlift Topset, then adjusted to 20, but tapped out at 10.

Press is a one rep improvement on last time at this weight, but it was a grindy ugly rep…

Minimal assistance. Might find time for a run later.


But at the weights you’re using, one extra rep adds 1.2kg to your estimated 1RM. In about a week, that’s a pretty good gain. In perspective, that’s the equivalent of 62.5kg a year.

Just read through the log, good stuff going on in here, (slightly mental rep ranges!) Will be following along. I did 531 basic (with pr sets every top set) for years great program.

great work keep it up

@dagill2 don’t get me wrong, I’m happy with that Press set, any progress in the press is good enough for me! I might slow down the progression in weight on the 7th week tm test, with weights this low, increases in the tm bury me quick!

@alex_uk thanks for checking in! I’m really enjoying these pr sets and can see them going some way to keep progress moving. Yes, rep ranges are silly, I messed up my testing by being a big wimp!

@bigpappafrance thanks! Appreciate you sticking around. I read your log, but think you closed it and moved to a wrestling focus? Need to search for that and catch up.

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Ok, so just read your wrestling log, shame you couldn’t make it work earlier this year. Do you have another log? I can’t seem to work out how to find these things on this forum :thinking:

tried to get back to wrestling but my shoulder injury and work got in the way so I decided to stay with powerlifting because it’s easier to program. it’s called WSBB Conujgate till I die.

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Ah I do recognise that title, I’ll check it out! Always wondered what a conjugate is…