Bulk Progress

I give your physique a 2…

BUT I give your farmer’s tan a solid 10

well done

Are you wearing pampers?

I always knew those free blankets the Bank gives you when you open a checking account would come in handy…

Sweet window treatments.

Are you doing ANYTHING for your back at all? And just how long do you plan to “just stick to the basics”? And have you gained any strength int his period?

Ive seen that the most dramatic improvements are usually made and your general shape is established in the first couple of years or so of training for an unassisted lifter btw. if you don;t improve your back now, you’ll never get this phase back. Just saying.

That said, improvement from the original. The quads are thick but I;m guessing you had thick quads to begin with. You seem to be getting leaner as well.

[quote]The New Guy wrote:
I need to work on my back, although it’s a lot better than what it was.[/quote]

[quote]Polish Rifle wrote:
I always knew those free blankets the Bank gives you when you open a checking account would come in handy…

Sweet window treatments.


Wow nice loser bank you got there. Mine gave me a free blender! HA!

[quote]Electric_E wrote:
Are you wearing pampers?

oh my god, this made me laugh :smiley:

[quote]Polish Rifle wrote:
I always knew those free blankets the Bank gives you when you open a checking account would come in handy…

Sweet window treatments.


aaah the light! the light!! Everyone can see how hideous I am!

seriously though, I gave the OP a 3. Most of the people on here that only have one part developed have moderate chests or arms, this guy actually has some decent quads going.

[quote]The New Guy wrote:
I started at 5’10", 130 pounds. I was 160 pounds when I took the first picture (yeah I gained weight fast, but I’d rather be skinny-fat than skinny-skinny). I was 180 pounds when I took the second picture.

In the past 5 weeks or so I’ve dropped to 170 pounds while maintaining my strength. It might not look like it but if I pull the skin on my stomach tight I can see an outline of my abs. I think I’m gonna get down to 165 and then slowly add weight.

PS: Yeah my bench is weak and it shows in my physique. I’ve mad it a priority now.[/quote]

Yeah, don’t start cutting just yet. I think you need a better muscle foundation before you start cutting. Just eat clean and lift heavy. I think it’s good that you’re working more on your chest. You can mix it up a little and use dumbells as well.

Incline or flys will add some variaty to your workout. I like that you look like you do some leg work. One of my big mistakes when I first started was I didn’t workout my legs and I’m still trying to catch up. Ha Ha

Congradulations on being smarter than most of the bodybuilding.com “personal trainers”. Keep on workin’ man and nice progress.