Bulgarian Training Simplified vs Russian Strength-Skill

Hi coach, firstly thank you for all the knowledge you share. I have just finished my 6th consecutive cycle of Russian strength skill and have loved it, hitting lifetime PR’s.

After reading your Bulgarian simplified routine I was hoping you would give some more insight on the pros/cons of each system compared to the other.
My plan is to do the BST to strengthen my weak links and then move back to RSS after the 12 weeks.
Also related to a previous question, would the switch from mostly singles to triples/doubles spark new muscle growth?

Thanks coach

What I can think of for now (things that don’t overlap):

Con Bulgarian training: tough as hell, you won’t be really fresh after.
Pro Bulgarian training: grows balls like nothing else, more muscle growth because training way harder in the intensity/volume-spectrum

Pro RSS: relatively easy, far from beat up rest of the time
Con: low in TuT, intensity and volume, so not great for muscle growth

[quote]Panopticum wrote:
What I can think of for now (things that don’t overlap):

Con Bulgarian training: tough as hell, you won’t be really fresh after.
Pro Bulgarian training: grows balls like nothing else, more muscle growth because training way harder in the intensity/volume-spectrum

Pro RSS: relatively easy, far from beat up rest of the time
Con: low in TuT, intensity and volume, so not great for muscle growth

That is true of the “true Bulgarian training”. But I think he was referring to my adaptation of it which ran last week. It is actually less demanding tha typical Bulgarian training, not that much harder than RSS.

I’ve checked it out CT. It’s awesome.
But isn’t it that much harder? Aren’t you still far closer to your Max and doing more work with BTS?

Feel free to ignore me. I’m hijacking here

[quote]Panopticum wrote:
I’ve checked it out CT. It’s awesome.
But isn’t it that much harder? Aren’t you still far closer to your Max and doing more work with BTS?

Feel free to ignore me. I’m hijacking here[/quote]

It’s harder no doubt… it still keeps the Bulgarian spirit… but it’s more manageable than the “real thing”