Brute's Book

Don’t skulk or sulk off. I was dancing to this. FEARLESS

fs 45x5, 135, 200, 215, 225
200x10, 210x3, 220
200x5, 210x3, 220
200x5, 205x3, 210x2, 215x2, 225

OH yesterday I did a set of 6 wanna be L’s. YEAHHHHBUDDY.

dead lifts 45x12, 135, 205, 285, 330, 340
Pull ups 13, 7, 5, 5
t bar rows 35# on the thing x 25, 60# on it x 10, 85# x 10

That’s it so far. All I wanted for today was a bit of circulation work. However its been possibly YEARS since I got over 12 reps on pull ups – when I did get those years ago I know they had a lot more swing in them. NICE! :D!!!

I can’t wait to get of work and hit up the post Halloween sales!! I need more Halloween dish towels FUR SURE.

Oh yeah! Yesterday’s pull ups at home after work
3 sets of 10, 7, 5, wanna be L’s x 3

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fs 45x5, 135, 200, 215, 225
200x7, 205x5, 210x3, 215x2, 220
200x5, 205x4, 210x3, 215, 220, 225
clean grip reverse alternating lunges total reps not per leg 95#x12, 105x10, 115x10, 125x10
zercher gm’s bar x 4, 95x5, 135x5
ssb fs for funzies bar plus 2 25# plates x5, plus 2 35# plates x 3
pull ups 11, 6, 4, 8, 5…misc sets forgot the total
2 sets of 3 wanna be L’s

finished yesterday’s pull up total which I aim for 50 after work - added 2 sets of 10 and some wanna b L’s to what I did in the am.

Up early today! Ready to roll at 01:35 am for a full day of Birthday Madness! I’m 35!! D!!!

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Happy Birthday Brute! Carpe Damn Diem!

2Busy: I believe “carpe damn diem” is my line.

Happy birthday, Brute. Wait . . . Did you say 35? Have you been using a fake ID to log here for the past several years?

***If you start your Birthday Madness at 1:30 am, and go to the gym by 3:30 am…and have a morning nap at 8:00 am, you ARE Brute Fury.

I hope you enjoy some sweet treats today, it’s your birthday after all:wink:


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Thanks guys!!! I had a WONDERFUL Birthday!!! It was superb!

Mossimo walks
t bar carries 330# x 100 feet x a total of 6 trips, lots of stops but it was ok. Cold icey bar!
Oh yeah, and also some field dancing.
Walk on my own on the trail behind my place

COLD and CRISP today. A hot fresh plate of eggs, bath, and a morning nap are calling my name.

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pull ups 11, 7, misc sets of 6-5, then a set of 11 at home, not sure the total so far but I’ll do some wanna be L’s too later
misc row machines

Got tattoozy work on The Never Ending Foo and got in a fender bender on Colfax on the way home–I think this makes three on Colfax in my life. So far.

Luckily it couldn’t have been a nicer person and my car is fine.Turned into a 2 hour drive home from traffic some how and I nearly ran out of gas in gridlock but I didn’t! WORD.

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OH THE JOYS of apartment living, common areas. I’d write more but I don’t want to commemorate it too much.

Maybe one day Me N Mossi can have our own plot of la…actually, I’d just like to not have a common exit/entrance. Gimme some freedom to leave and enter wheneva I want MAN!!! GET OUTTA THE WAY, all three levels of doors I must wait upon to move!

A garage I know is a pipe dream that will never happen unless I move to the sticks someplace that allows me to afford the rent there. If you have a garage on your house please appreciate it for me and give it lots of attention. If you have your own private exit/entrance give it love to for me too!!!

Today was the longest walk me and My Beloved have completed at a time since his about a month before his surgery. For whatever reason I slept in to 5:45 today and the sun was up a bit by the time I got organized to go. It made Mossi much more apt to participate when its not dark and chilly out. It was maybe a mile and an half and it was fabulous. After walks I did field work.

farmer’s handle carries 142#/arm x a straight shoot x 100 feet, return trip was about 90 feet then I did the ten to get it back to start
152#/arm x 50 feet , x 50 ish feet, return trip about the same

At home stuff waiting for my door to get re hung since its off kilter
Pull ups 11, 2 sets of 10, a set of 9
wanna be L’s so far a set of 4

I report that I did 7 wanna be l’s in a set last night in a fit of angst and upset over apartment drama. They look better too!! I can feel them on the more medial second layer of lat and for sure abbed out. Its been helpful to close my grip up to get a better looking wanna be!!!

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fs 45x5, 135, 200, 215, 225
200x10, 205x4, 210x3, 215x2, 225
200x4, 205x4, 210x3, 215x2, 225
a set of 10 pull ups

That’s it . In and out in 25 minutes just because I felt I was done! Some tight IT band (I think?) stuff bilaterally but nothing painful at all just tight.

dead lifts 45x10, 135, 205, 285, 335, 345
pull ups 10, 7, 4, 5, misc for a total of 30 so far- will do some more later
pull ups were ss with t bar rows 45# on the apparatus x20, 60# x15, 90# x11

I feel a bit on the cusp energy wise and probably need some additional electrolytes since I have some muscle cramps, a charlie horse here and there, IT bands are still very tight. I drank too much water at once yesterday at work in a fit of panic–I wanted to pound some vitamin c in my jug since suddenly crops of people are getting sick! NO NO NO illness permitted! I think it flushed me out a little too much and dropped my sodium too low.

At any rate I’m ok with the mini session. I might make it a new tuesday thing since historically deadlifts…well, for me I’m either going totally strong on them or not. Sometimes if I ignore them they perk up from other lifts filling out my strength.

I liked how last week went! I also liked how 345 felt today too.

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fs 45x5, 135, 200, 215, 225, 230, 235
200x8, 205x5, 210x3, 215x2, 225
200x5, 205x4, 210x3, 215x2, 225
pull ups 8, 7, 6

Tried fs on the SMITH uh, no thanks! I did what would be 135" and 205 wuhoh unstable wobbletron on that. An article suggested its more stable but I did not find that to be the case!

Last night’s pull ups 8, 7, misc for a grand total for yesterday of 50
wanna be l’s separately 6, 5, 3

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Mossimo walks x 2 miles!
t bar carries 335# x 100 feet ( about 2 1/2 stops since the third was a turn to start the return trip) Turns are hard
grand total of 600 feet-- 3 back and forths. Its hard to list the carries but it makes sense to me for record keeping use
Walk on my own on the trail behind the field and my house

After work did 5 less wanna bee more real L’s, x3
Work drained me yesterday. Energy should get back on track soon I believe.

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Anderson zerchers 135x3, 205x2
225x10, 245x5, 265x3, 285
225x8, 245x5, 285
zercher gm’s 115x10, 125x10, 135x10
back extensions
100# plate per hand swift carry in the parking lot of the gym 2 trips. ICE COLD PLATES!!!
misc up right row machines sets of 6-8 x wt that I have no clue equate to bb wt
Wanted to giggle a bit so I did the wild Derek- hanging ghr device
also messed with the weird but usable ghr they have there, did some but it was awkward since the pads are all messed pushed forward at times.

Yesterdays pull ups 10, 7, 8, 5, misc sets later 10, 8
less then wanna b l’s x 6, 3, then later some decent ones with a chin up grip which is much easier but harder on my elbows.

Mossimo walks x 2 miles!!.
Then I was tired because it was quite cold. I woke up way early again but its no stress begin a weekend day for me and I like the extra time awake in the sleeping world…just meant a nice lil nap. LUXURY AM NAPS.

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Mossimo walks about 1.6 miles
Went to the gym to do mild cardio (elliptical) since I felt too cold to walk anymore outside and other stuff.

pull ups 11, 8, 6, 5, 5 misc sets for around 45 total
over head carries 90# x 2 trips down the back parking lot twice
I tired some walking over head lunges but it wasn’t happening! I only got a few steps with 50# and decided not to try any more. Sometimes when I forward lunge I do something to pull on my right quad too much and it acts up.

Went to the field
farmers handle carries 142# x arm x 100 feet x two straight shoots–nice!
152#/arm was not as good but still decent
152#/arm x 20 feet, x 60, x20
x50, x40 feet then I was done.

THIS is why my IT bands were angry last week and I can already feel them today 15 minutes post! The carries! I’m not sure why but I’ll try and smooth em out today. Monday and Tuesday of last week were wild tight and not easy to move about at work.

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Just getting caught up here; this log has Everything!!

Heavy carries, The Derek, broken glass, tight IT bands, AM naps and track pants…B-day chocolates, individually wrapped with personalized quotes on them.

Working a lot of lateral stability, with those heavy carries (especially lunges). Walking over head lunges +50lbs, may come into play here:)

Vive’ Le Chocolate!!

Denver Z-Man

:D!!! Thanks Z!! :)!!! ALSO :D!!!

UHHHHHHHHHHHH! HA HA HA!! :{ Today was alright I guess? :} I think so after two weirdo shifts at work - surprise overnights that strethced to midday and sketched out sleeping. I’m pleased with it considering…you know the deal when its Zombie Days.

I ran out of work with my hair on fire after an 11 hour quasi overnight shift than a short nap, woke up and had not idea what day it is, kinda dehydrated from drinking all my water overnight, overreacting/hyper vigilant while driving, umm…yeah! But I got a day in so there’s that. And not a bad day!

fs 45x5, 135, 205, 225
200x8, 205x5, 210x3, 215x2 , 225
200x5, 205x2, 210x3, 215x2, 225
paused but more like just slow out of the hole purposely fs 100, 2105, 210, 215, 225
pull ups a set of 10
100# plate/hand carries in the back parking lot x 2 trips

That’s it.

dead lifts 45x12,135, 205, 285, 340, 350, fail 360
pull ups 14, 7, 6, 5 misc sets for a total of 49
t bar rows 45# on the apparatus x35, 65# x20, 85# x 12
ss the pull ups with this
also a row machine thing x a few sets of 6-10 reps
That’s that

Another early day today–called in again to do a 2am to noon shift this time so I had a mini nap after work then went to the gym. I’m pleased with how the dead lifts felt! WORD!

ALSO a set of 14 pull ups -with good form- is a rep PR. I’ve done a set 15 in the past but with much swinging, these were nice! :slight_smile:

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Haven’t done 14 pull ups all year; plan to keep it that way:) Brute strong as always in here.