Brute's Book


The look on his face reminds of the movie Gone in sixty seconds:)…just a bit lower mom…lower…

Z! He’d totally demolosh them if given a chance!

Yesterday’s pull ups 10, 2 sets of 8, 7, 7 misc sets to get 48, 3 wanna be L’s

Pull ups 10, 8, 5, 8, 5 misc sets for a total of 50
2 sets of 3 wanna be L’s
Tbar rows 35# on the thing x33, 45 x20, 55x 15, 35 x25 holds at the top of all of these
Shrugs machine 45 on each side x30, x10

I found Alpha’s log and stuff in the strongman section and was super pleased to find tons of great vids by him for basic strongman stuff! Full of tips and ques!

I watched a bunch last night so this morning I was amped to try using the tips for farmers carries and it became quickly odvious it wasn’t happening today. Might have gone 10 feet with 112#/ arm and only a single suitcase deadlift with 165#/ side being sore I suppose or just drained from last time. That’s ok! I shall try next time.

Moss is being a bit quiet today and he had better just be sore. Walked more the last week and also enviromental allergies have him on constant scratch/ chew feet action.

I think its a possibilty since he does have arthritis for sure on both knees and its colder lately. He better not be sick :frowning: Not Allowed Mossimo.

Fs 45x5, 135, 195, 205, 215
225x2 x3 sets
205x3 x3 sets
215x2, 215, 215x2

Flunked out the reps today since I was supposed to get 225x3 x3 however x2 is alright too and honestly more than I expected. The lower wt reps I added since I felt I needee to.

This program thing is ok but I might just be better suited to my old wave style that’s served in the past. I’m going to give this 2 more weeks. It has been a confort to plug in numbers though in a way but I’m a more day by day feel it out lifter.

In my excitement over the videos I watched saturday I tried a log press. I cleaned it but I gotta watch more to get the press up! Ha ha!! I think I can at least.

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Funny. I JUST tried this the other day; just the ‘bar’. With the neutral grip, and being about 12" wide??..I was surprised how different it felt pressing up. Fun though right?

I forgot to ask…what time was this?? 4am?..4:30?? Just wondering:)

Hey Z! This thing :

And I roll out to lift at the witching hour


Yesterdays pull ups done over the day 10, 3 sets of 8, 6, misc sets for 50 total, wanna be L’s x5, x4

Deadlifts 45x13, 135, 205, 275, 325, 345
Belted 315x3 x3 sets
Anderson zerchers 135x3, 225x3, 255 x3, 245x3, 225
T bar rows 35# on the thing x33, x25, x20

I pulled the 345 wild. Not low back wild but streched out quite a bit on it since I chose to not let go! No pain- yet–but got a serious strech there. I think I’ll be ok! I liked how good 325 felt today too.

Yes, that things the thing:)…And your in the gym at 0330 hrs. What’s the ‘O’ stand for?: Oh my God it’s early!

I’ll be pulling Friday; hope to be up in your range for triples (your lower range):wink:


EDIT:: Do you park in the Mr. Olympia spot when your there that early?? Just wondering:)

Z!! That spot is eerily kept vacant most of the time!

Yesterday’s pull ups done throughout the day 4 sets of 10, 5 wanna be L’s

Fs 45x5, 135, 200, 215, 230
200x8, 210x4, 220
200x5, 210x3, 220
200x4, 210 x2
Pull ups 11, 2 sets of 10 ss with clean grip reverse alternating lunges total reps not per leg 95#x 8, 105x8,115x8, 125x8, 135 x 3
Did elipitical since it wouldn’t be light for a few hours to walk

I got up at 2 am today just ready to be up so I went with it. Lucky for me I’ll get all my chores done before the hordes wake up then luxuriate in a posh morning nap. Hopefully a cool rest of the day too!

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Awake at 2 again and did not fight it again. I had a probable heart rate PR ( in a delightful way!) last night I had to defuse.

Since it was too early and dark for the usual carries today I gymed it.

Dead lifts 45x10, 135, 205, 275
295x3 x 6 sets
Anderson zerchers 135x2, 205x2, 225 x5, 245x5 x 2 sets, 265x4, 280x2, 290, 300 x fail, then 300 x1
T bar rows 35# on the apparatus hold at the top x40, x30, x20

An Anderson Zercher PR :slight_smile: That never happens!! But it did!!
Mossimo walks

Napping, walking later, and hopefully another fabulously cool day today. I feel lucky and am grabbin on to with both hands whatever bits of happiness that pass my way. I won’t pass that stuff up.

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T bar walks 315# x a bunch o trips, about a total of 800 feet with stops mixed in.
T bar carries 175# x 1070 feet total, 3 stops on that trip
Party time with the big moon out and Sepultura :smiley:

Waiting now for either the sun to get up more to walk in semi safety or for gymzo to open up when those lazybones waltz in there at 7. Get it together neon tan man---- some of us got over head carries to do.

Tattozie work yeaterday on the never ending foo and some REAL nice party time stuff. Saw my Twinnie and got all up to speed on various groups’ gossip and down low talk — mmmmHmm.

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I had a probable heart rate PR ( in a delightful way!) last night I had to defuse.


I feel lucky and am grabbin on to with both hands whatever bits of happiness that pass my way. I won’t pass that stuff up.

***Sounds nice:)

An Anderson Zercher PR :slight_smile: That never happens!! But it did!!

Dang Girl!!

Thanks Z!! Isn’t it FANCY!!! How cool would 315 be? !!!

Saturday I did do some overhead carries at bb gym and mild cardio
oh carries 80# snatch grip x parking lot, rack position walked it back
90# x parking lot, rack position it back

fs 45x5, 135, 200, 215, 230
220x3, 220x2 x 4 sets
230 nope! ah ha ha!
200x3 x 3 sets- close stance quad attack a bit
still behind but in a different feel on the fs, maybe I have better form now?

Yesterday’s pull ups 4 sets of 10, 2 sets of wanna be l’s x 5.
Back extensions w 45
Supermodel spotting in Wheat Ridge.

I’m going to figure a day to add distance carries in. Its become the time of the year when that’s all I wanna do!!! Perfect!!

Forgot about finding 100#'s outside he bb gym in the back lot!

Walked these dudes about saturday too with shriges mixed in!

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Nice of them to make’em with the handles. What’s that ‘supermodel spotting’ in Wheat Ridge all about?

Hey Z! The handles are great! I don’t know why they had 3 100’s and not 4?

dead lifts 45x13, 135, 205, 275, 330, nope twice x 350- so its like THAT? OK …
pull off block about 1/3 shin height 315x3 x 6 sets
t bar rows 45 x25, x20, neutral grip 70x15
Ran out of time. Took a while to get the block set up going

Yesterday’s pull ups 11, 10, 2 sets of 7, misc sets for a total of 40 regular
wanna be l’s 3 x3, 2 x 2

Whatever dead lift. I’ll just do carries instead. I had some strange stretch thing going again this time but not as bad as last week. I’ll figure it out.

fs 45x5, 135, 200, 215, 230
200x5, 210x3, 220
200x3, 210x2, 220
200x3 x 2 sets

That’s it thus far. Weirdo sleep patterns this week. Super tired then waking up a bunch during the night… UGH GAH. But it could be worse. Part of it is some annoyance at work.

We’re finally getting staffing filled however its not a super smooth transition so far–coworkers who I actually like but now are in my department are becoming people who I have to covertly instruct to do things differently, nicely not be an asshole when I correct them on stuff or catch things… or…well…yeah… messing up my work flow MAN.

I hate training people let alone people I respect highly for their abilities in OTHER departments and ones who have experience in things I have no clue about–but they are not things we do in my department…Its a sensitive subject for some techs to be instructed.

These people they have been thrown in thinking they already know how to do it…but they don’t! I’ve done a lot of running around double checking everything ugh…

A former manager–who I really liked as a manger-- is now back to just teching–try …um, guiding her to speed up her treatments? I can’t! I won’t. OH WELL.

Usually I don’t lift Wednesday but I want a good carry day Thursday and maybe Friday too so mandatory front squats must be done first.

Yesterday’s pull ups 12, 10, 8, wanna be L’s 5 sets of 3

Tbar carries 335# x total of 200 feet about 5 stops
345# x50 , 355 x20, X10 feet , x5 feet
335 x70 feet, x30 feet
345x 50 feet, 350x50 feet
340 x60 feet, 335x20 feet, 315 x whatever rest of the way distance to load up the car.

I lost track of the precise distances since I was aiming for heavy hoisting vs distance. Hooooooiiisssttting!!!

My grip is a bit shot and I need to go to the dmv so I stopped here. I might go back to the gym later today for misc stuff

Super weekend so far. Fabulous!!! Lucky Lucky Lucky Brutie Tootie Toot

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So much positivity in here!

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Heavy carries= Hurray!
Doing them all before sunrise= Boooo!!!

Super,Fabulous, Lucky Brutie= Good for you.

I hope this continues for you; sounds nice:)