Briansays Training Log 2016 Edition

Training Log 20160730

Assault bike
5 minutes

KB Swing
90 x 15 x 3

Ez bar curl
65 x 10 x 4

10 minutes

Training Log 20160731

… wanted to get a short leg pumping workout in today, just to kill some time really; but gives me a good prep for some heavy doubles tomorrow.

Assault bike
5 minutes

Leg press
135 x 100

Calf raises
30 x 3

KB swing
90 x 12 x 4

Incline crunches
15 x 3

Hanging leg raise
15 x 3

GHR bench press (ab exercise)
45 x 10
65 x 10
75 x 10

Stationary cycling
10 minutes

Training Log 20160801

Assault bike
5 minutes

Leg press
135 x 100

225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 3
425 x 1
455 x 1
475 x 1 x 2 (w/ support band)
495 x 1 x 2 (w/ support band)
515 x 1 x 1 (w/ support band)

Incline bench press
135 x 8
225 x 2
245 x 2
265 x 1

10 minutes

Training Log 20160802

Assault bike
5 minutes

Slight Incline dumbbell bench press
60 x 20
65 x 10 x 2
55 x 15

Upper pec cable squeeze
35 x 20
45 x 10 x 2
35 x 15

Bench Press
225 x 5
275 x 4
295 x 2
295 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 2 (slingshot
345 x 2 (sling shot)

115 x 5 x 5
135 x 3 x 2
145 x 1 x 2

Triceps pushdown
50 x 20
55 x 10 x 2
45 x 15

1-Arm Triceps pushdown
15 x 20
20 x 10 x 2
10 x 15

35 x 10 x 4

10 minutes

… Stressful week is making training hard, pretty burnt out and caloric intake has been lower than desired. Trying to correct with refeeding at the end of the day but between long days, hard training sessions, and getting home late it’s been rough. Hopefully it won’t be like this after this week and I can coast in to the meet.

… Training log 20160804

225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 2
515 x 1
535 x 1
495 x 1
495 x 1

Leg Press
145 x 100

Slingshot bench press
225 x 2
275 x 2
315 x 2
335 x 2
355 x 2
315 x 3
315 x 2
315 x 1

Lat pulldown
140 x 8 x 3

Rear delt fly
30 x 8
25 x 8
20 x 8

Incline curl
20 x 20
25 x 10 x 2
20 x 15

Drag curl
65 x 20
85 x 10 x 2
65 x 15

Training log 20160805

Assault bike
5 minutes

Leg press
135 x 100

135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 1
315 x 2
315 x 3
225 x 3
405 x 1 (bands)
455 x 1 (bands)
495 x 1 (bands)

95 x 5 x 3
135 x 5 x 2
155 x 3 x 2
165 x 3 x 2
135 x 5 x 2

Lat pulldown
130 x 10 x 3

Lateral raise
25 x 10
30 x 10
35 x 10

315 x 12 x 3

Slight incline DB bench press
55 x 20
60 x 10 x 2
50 x 15

Upper pec cable squeeze
25 x 20
35 x 10 x 2
25 x 15

Triceps pushdown
50 x 20
55 x 10 x 2
45 x 15

1arm triceps push down
15 x 20
15 x 10 x 2
15 x 15

10 minutes

Training log 20160806

5 minutes

KB swing
90 x 15 x 3

Leg press
135 x 100

Close grip Lat pulldown
130 x 12 x 3

10 minutes

… and here we go, the week of heavy ass unassisted singles

Training Log 20160808

… so I passed out while squatting, no me gusta… passed out at the bottom of a 455 lb. rep and got stuck since the safety pins were too low. got back on the horse and gave it two more reps. was going to do heavy singles all week but i’m taking an unplanned deload for this week, attempting at heavies next week before my week off before the meet.

… plan is to integrate smaller accessory movements all week with very low (~55%) compound lifts with excessive amounts of stretching and yoga movements to rehab my worn out everything.

5 minutes

135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 1
455 x 1 (m) passed out
315 x 1
405 x 1

Bench press
135 x 5
225 x 5
255 x 2
275 x 2
295 x 3

Upper pec cable squeeze
35 x 20
45 x 10 x 2
30 x 15

DB flye
40 x 10
40 x 5

Incline curls
25 x 20
30 x 10 x 2

Drag curl
65 x 20
75 x 10 x 2
55 x 15

… 8 days until showtime!

… I’ve been reallly bad at tracking this past few weeks, it’s been really busy. And I haven’t had too much to report , I had to take several days off from straight up exhaustion, and after getting over that I was experiencing a few days of severe knee pain, which prevented me from squatting over 405. It appears to be better now, my PT friend worked out my quad and calf to reduce the crap load of adhesions in the thick tissue areas.

… plan is to train back and biceps today and then do some moderately high volume next week 3-4 times during the week, training each lift at around 45-50%. I’m also planning on doubling the amount of MAG-10 per day with the same amount of Plazma to better my recovery.

Leg press
135 x 100

Lat pulldown
100 x 20
120 x 10 x 2
90 x 15

Vbar lat pulldown
60 x 20
80 x 10 x 2
50 x 15

Rear delt fly
25 x 20
30 x 10 x 2
25 x 15

315 x 8 x 3

Incline curl
30 x 20
35 x 10 x 2
25 x 15

Drag curl
95 x 20
95 x 10 x 2
75 x 15

Scott curl
35 x 20
45 x 10 x 2
55 x 15

Hammer curl
40 x 20
45 x 10 x 2
35 x 15

5 minutes

I’m not much of a training log reader but I glanced at yours and was intrigued. You compete in meets yet train full body. Quite a departure from the norm. What/ who influences your style?

Lots of influence from CT (power look/performance training), but I’ve been using Cody Lefever’s GZCL routine for over almost two years at this point and have had great success.

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Which template are you using?

Gzcl is a template program, configurable but with an overall strategy associated with it.

Right, I am familiar but he’s written many variants. I was curious which this was. I’ve looked at the ones I loaded, and none resemble your training. He’s more traditional, with upper only or lower only, and I like your full body approach. I’d like to give it a try but would need the percentages. Unless you’re using principles and devising your own program.
Don’t mean to be a pest. :confused:

Lol no you’re not being a pest. I actually linked to it in my last post, but apparently there is a policy about off site linking now. I’m using the original version of the routine and simply doing more whole body work in the T3 layer of the session. Specifically from the original template I was doing the 9day UHF and then the 5 day UHF back to back tweaking the percentages as needed. So check the excel template he offered way back when first releasing it.

Much like old school Indigo program I would do something like squat and the bench in the same session and then the next day would be something like bench and deadlift.

I have both the 9 and 5 day UHF. I’ll check those closer. Thanks

In general though, it starts at 85% and goes up 5% each week. Tier 2 stuff is more like 55-60% and 5% each week.

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