Breakingiron 6 Week Training Log

Hey All,

Long time lurker, decided to start a log to keep myself accountable.

A little bit about myself. I’m a 22 year old college senior and I hope to accept a commission when I graduate from the Marine Corps this spring. I’ve spent the past few years training for and completing OCS. My focus for a long time was on running and body weight fitness, and after finishing OCS this summer, I changed my focus on getting my strength back up. While I have gotten stronger, some of my other goals (namely, run time and leanness) have started to dwindle. I just got back from Spring Break and I have six weeks left in the year, and I’ve decided to turn it up a notch and really see what I can accomplish over the next few weeks.

I’ve been running a slight modification of 5/3/1 for quite some time, with a little more of an emphasis on pulling exercises and now I’ve decided to use CT’s Strength Circuits as the basis for my new workouts. I ran a two week trial build up with lighter weight than he prescribed of it and I really liked how it was going.

I don’t use supplements aside from whey protein powder, so I will only be doing the circuits three days a week on M/W/F, with a recovery day on T/H. Saturday I run a little PT program for all of the other candidates in the area and we do Crossfit/Military style workouts. Sunday is off. I also decided to set up two different circuits and alternate them by week in an A/B/A, B/A/B fashion.

My circuits and the maxes I will be basing my training maxes off of are;

Cleans- 205
Bent Row-245
Press- 155
Straight Leg Deadlift-255

Bench- 275
Pull Ups- N/A (10/8/6/4/2 reps, increasing weight every week)
Front Squat-225

After the workouts, I will do a little extra work on arms and abs. Overall, including warm up, setup, and cool down, the workouts take me a little less than an hour and a half.

I will use 75% of my TM for the first set, 4 at 80%, 3 at 85%, 2 at 90%, and 1 at 95%. For the first of each workout, my TM will be 90% of my max, and in each subsequent workout, I will increase the percentage by 2%.

I will perform the strength workouts in the morning, and on MWF nights I will head to the gym and go do cardio. The plan is to go for a 20 minute run, then do a couple 3-4 minute rounds on the heavy bag. On my recovery days, I will be completing a swimming workout. I’m a former college swimmer, and I find it really helps to stretch me out and loosen up without affecting my recovery. Sundays I take completely off.

My current stats are

Height- 5’9’’
Weight- 205 lbs

I’ll be taking a picture later tonight and posting it, as well as progress reports every two weeks. I know this was long winded but I wanted it all written out. Thanks for reading and wish me luck.

Picture to start my work with. Nothing impressive, and I hope to see a big improvement in the next couple of weeks.

3-24 AM Strength Workout

Clean- 140, 150, 160, 170, 180
Squat- 225, 235, 250, 265, 280
Row- 160, 170, 180, 195, 180*
Press- 105, 115, 120, 130, 135
RDL- 175, 185, 200, 210, 180*

*I go to the gym at a time when its nearly dead and it’s not a problem if I use a ton of equipment. I end up hoarding a platform and 4 barbells. Unfortunately today was the first day the college football team started its spring lifting program (because my school is ridiculous and won’t get the varsity teams their own weight rooms) and it was packed today. I gave up one of my barbells (the one I use for rows and RDLs) right before the last round, so I juse used my Clean weight for the last round. I’m gonna start showing up a little earlier to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

Triceps Pressdown- 15 at 50, 15 at 57.5, 15 at 60
Incline Sit Ups- 15, 15, 15
Hanging Tuck Ups- 15, 15, 15

CT mentioned that the third (3 rep) round should be the hardest. I really struggle through the first two (5 and 4) rounds, and I use less weight than he recommends. I might need to change up my warm up. I’ve been jumping rope then doing some dynamic work (throws and jumps) and corrective work, then one warm up round of the circuit. Might switch to doing 2-3 rounds like CT recommends, and save the jump rope for the evening.

PM Cardio

4x3 min rounds on heavy bag w/ 1 min rest

10x:10 sprints w/ :20 rest

I wanted to go 5 rounds on the bag and do some longer intervals, but I was running late and didn’t have as much time as I wanted. The sprints felt really good and I may start to incorporate sprints like that more in the future.

3-24 AM Strength Workout

Clean- 140, 150, 160, 170, 180
Squat- 225, 235, 250, 265, 280
Row- 160, 170, 180, 195, 180*
Press- 105, 115, 120, 130, 135
RDL- 175, 185, 200, 210, 180*

*I go to the gym at a time when its nearly dead and it’s not a problem if I use a ton of equipment. I end up hoarding a platform and 4 barbells. Unfortunately today was the first day the college football team started its spring lifting program (because my school is ridiculous and won’t get the varsity teams their own weight rooms) and it was packed today. I gave up one of my barbells (the one I use for rows and RDLs) right before the last round, so I just used my Clean weight for the last round. I’m gonna start showing up a little earlier to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

Triceps Pressdown- 15 at 50, 15 at 57.5, 15 at 60
Incline Sit Ups- 15, 15, 15
Hanging Tuck Ups- 15, 15, 15

CT mentioned that the third (3 rep) round should be the hardest. I really struggle through the first two (5 and 4) rounds, and I use less weight than he recommends. I might need to change up my warm up. I’ve been jumping rope then doing some dynamic work (throws and jumps) and corrective work, then one warm up round of the circuit. Might switch to doing 2-3 rounds like CT recommends, and save the jump rope for the evening.

PM Cardio

4x3 min rounds on heavy bag w/ 1 min rest

10x:10 sprints w/ :20 rest

I wanted to go 5 rounds on the bag and do some longer intervals, but I was running late and didn’t have as much time as I wanted. The sprints felt really good and I may start to incorporate sprints like that more in the future.