Branch Might Take It...

Man Branch gets super intense lol. “Lets go MOTHER FUCKER!!!”

I’ll have to bust one of those out at the college gym and see how long it takes before I get asked to leave.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
Man Branch gets super intense lol. “Lets go MOTHER FUCKER!!!”

I’ll have to bust one of those out at the college gym and see how long it takes before I get asked to leave.[/quote]

exactly dude.

i wish i could train there. when its crowded at my gym i go into the locker room to slap my face before a set b/c i dont want to freak out all the people.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
Dirty Gerdy wrote:
Also favorite quote of the branch series “you wanna pay me 10 grand I’ll make a workout for you” lol


my favorite quote was when the other guy was talking about Branch getting injured from benching and he went right over and put oils on him and prayed. the way he said it i was just like…what?[/quote]

Yeah, the oils quote was funny. Best quote was when Dobson or whatever was like “I know Branch’s body better than anyone…” and man, was it awkward.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:

anyway, i wish i could train at Metro Flex. theres a gym with the same kind of intensity where i live that Det trains at but they dont have the kind of equipment for BBers its all Stronman, PLing and Oly.
What? No matter what you’re trying to do you need to get in that gym, stat.

Branch doesn’t have a shot! He looked amazing in those MD videos, honestly amazing… but hes not standing next to Vic. =P. I just don’t think Branch’s body flows nicely as other competitors such as ummm, Vic! LETS GO V MART!!!

Oh GnoEs E-BatTlEz!

Man, I’m rooting for Branch all they way. He’s one of the few bodybuilders I aspire to emulate. Blue collar, hardworking, has a gorgeous wife, and is one of the most hardcore motherfuckers in that facility. I like Kai namely for his written eloquence and for his posing routines. I hope that Branch doesn’t get fucked over again. As for my boy Victor, I don’t know boys. I mean he could come back and win the whole enchilada (AC and Olympia). He then will be a 2x Mr. Olympia (Dont even question it) Or he could come back and have the Cutler leg dilemma.

Who knows but I’m rooting for his second Olympia win with Wolf hopefully one placing behind. Guys heard any new updates coming from the Big Nasty? He claimed to wanting to jump back in not too long ago. Everyone says that he’s done, too beat up, too old, etc but if he comes back and pulls off an tighter 03 all the internet bloggers and posters will be shitting their cage and taking a number to kiss Ronnie’s ass. Its going to be an interesting year in pro bodybuilding. Man it feels good being part of the lifestyle.

@ Elusive: If it’s Victor you want, I honestly think you should be hoping that Kai over-diets and Toney doesn’t hold enough mass on that frame.

Branch is more of a wild card threat, I think Toney is going to be insane, just a gut feeling. Hopefully Palumbo continues to refine his ability to fill out his guys, because he sure can lean/dry them out…

@ GB, honest question, do you think Branch is pushing the juice/peptides/etc. a bit? I have no inherent steroid bias.

How can I word this better… do you think he is pushing them more so than other competitors of similar pedigree? There seems to be a feeling around some other boards that it’s going to “catch up with him”.

lol, don’t get me wrong Im a fan of Branch. Im a fan of Kai and Toney. Im not much of a fan of Silvio, but like I said. Big V Mart for the win!!! Everyone else is fighting for second.

I’m trying to stir up some Arnold Classic hype!

[quote]Affliction wrote:
@ GB, honest question, do you think Branch is pushing the juice/peptides/etc. a bit? I have no inherent steroid bias.

How can I word this better… do you think he is pushing them more so than other competitors of similar pedigree? There seems to be a feeling around some other boards that it’s going to “catch up with him”.

I have a mixed understanding: pushing as in higher usage or pushing as in “pushing”. If its for the latter meaning, we should not discuss the man’s business any further. He’s innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. I refuse to partake in a this man’s undoing.

[quote]Growing_Boy wrote:
Affliction wrote:
@ GB, honest question, do you think Branch is pushing the juice/peptides/etc. a bit? I have no inherent steroid bias.

How can I word this better… do you think he is pushing them more so than other competitors of similar pedigree? There seems to be a feeling around some other boards that it’s going to “catch up with him”.

I have a mixed understanding: pushing as in higher usage or pushing as in “pushing”. If its for the latter meaning, we should not discuss the man’s business any further. He’s innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. I refuse to partake in a this man’s undoing. [/quote]

No, no, no, bud. The former. I like Branch =]. The other thing you’re referring to has no place on a message board, I agree. Nor have I seen any speculation on that anyway.

[quote]elusive wrote:
I’m trying to stir up some Arnold Classic hype! [/quote]

Me too! Hence the thread… =]

[quote]Affliction wrote:
Growing_Boy wrote:
Affliction wrote:
@ GB, honest question, do you think Branch is pushing the juice/peptides/etc. a bit? I have no inherent steroid bias.

How can I word this better… do you think he is pushing them more so than other competitors of similar pedigree? There seems to be a feeling around some other boards that it’s going to “catch up with him”.

I have a mixed understanding: pushing as in higher usage or pushing as in “pushing”. If its for the latter meaning, we should not discuss the man’s business any further. He’s innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. I refuse to partake in a this man’s undoing.

No, no, no, bud. The former. I like Branch =]. The other thing you’re referring to has no place on a message board, I agree. Nor have I seen any speculation on that anyway.[/quote]

The fact that he mentions he can diet down with 600g carbs a day, I’m inclined to think so lol.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
The fact that he mentions he can diet down with 600g carbs a day, I’m inclined to think so lol.

600g is like a re-feed day for most, even some of the big-uns! Can’t tren and some others increase glycogen storage/nutrient partitioning? DG did point out that some people just have that kind of metabolism, though.

And the apparent lack of cardio, at least when compared to some other pros who are contending on national level stages. And the “miraculous” recovery time from his injury. And the freaky vascularity (could be in large part genetic). Among other things.

OTOH, he hasn’t lost control of his midsection like some of the other guys that played the size game and lost a few years ago. I dunno, just thinking out loud.

Metroplex looks so fucking awesome. Love the yellow post-its on the dumbbell rack lol

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
I think after Vic pretty much got cheated out of the olypmia title, the politics are set up for him too win. I just don’t see him being beaten.[/quote]

Vic deffinately should’ve had that olympia…

I love the part where he looks through the box to find attachments for pec-dec, just keeps adding to the Metroflex mystique.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
altimus wrote:
I like ole boy blasting those obliques into the depths of hell at the 1:05 mark in the first video. Branch is looking strong man.

with nice counterweight two dumbbells smh.

anyway, i wish i could train at Metro Flex. theres a gym with the same kind of intensity where i live that Det trains at but they dont have the kind of equipment for BBers its all Stronman, PLing and Oly.

lol@ the guy from MetroFlex shitting on the internet gurus and their scientific formulas.

guy works with Branch and Ronnie, 2 Olympia level competitors, not one author on this site can compete with that.[/quote]

do you live near boston? because im moving back in july and i want to be at a non-shitty gym

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
guy works with Branch and Ronnie, 2 Olympia level competitors, not one author on this site can compete with that.[/quote]

Missed this at first, Live, but both those guys claim that he is a master motivator. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? He may not even know fuck all about lifting and dieting, but if he can make you train harder… perhaps it really is just all about intensity.

I always liked Branch.

One of my favorites for years.

I always thought he didnt get the placing he deserved.