Bq, The FFB Dietary Critique

Progress since last week :
lost 0,4" from hips, butt, thigh and 0,2" from calve. Arms and chest probably no difference.

I will try A-B fullbody split - i like Staley’s workouts.

My goal : i’d like to get ‘a real deal’ abs, not the stuff i have now (i always keep lots of lower abdominal fat - i never ever could make it go away). Still i think that when i’m fully recovered i’d try to bulk up, but i’d like to do it ‘clean’ (whats the reason to have a killer six-pack if my arms will look like sticks?)

VERY nice progress, Blinq!!! And I like your choice of workouts, too!

Increase calories as I recommended above and post your weight and measurements again next week!!! I can’t wait to see the results. (grin)

Terry, i must apologise for not following your advice to a letter - i didn’t have access to my computer and kept the calories and diet the same as before - i wasn’t at home but i kept all my meals just like in the first plan. Now, i’m back and see that i should have eaten more fat and some more carbs - i’m going to fix it from now on - promise:)

Bad news are i lost 1lbs and 0,25inch from but/waist, but my quads size is up =) arm stayed the same, but calve got down.
I’m going to add more fat and some carbs PWO, as you adviced, cause i feel a bit run-down.

Is 1tbsp of oils the same as 2 small spoons (i mean ‘teaspoons’)?

Still, i have to thank you Terry, as i’m eating with crazy variety and i’m enjoying my meals! Really - it’s no more sthing like : eating like tanking fuel (it has been this way for a very long time). My cardio walks are usually taking me to a market where i buy fresh fruits and veggies, yummy 8)

You owe me no apology, Blinq. I’m here for You, not the other way around. Personally, with the challenges you had, I think you did fine. And I’m really happy with your results. From the looks of things, you put on some muscle and leaned up a bit more. This week, hitting your numbers, should get you the results you want. If you hit your P, F and C numbers and don’t see some increase in scale weight, we’ll tweak things a bit and add in another 60g of starchy carbs to each day.

How are you doing otherwise? Energy, mood, sleep, recovery, morning temp, etc.

I feel less stressed with the EDT gone - still the body temp is low and im not on full power yet (to be honest i would never ever believe that training/dieting can devastate your body so much and that it will take so long to recover).

I have mental problems with adding those starchy carbs - there is no way around? fats are no problem but adding some carbs after i’ve learned to go low carb seems so … back-stepping. Still if you insist i’ll make the first meal of the day oatmeal (only 45grams to get 25 carbs) with wheyprotein.

I’m getting 1/2 cup of beans now - maybe this is where i should start from and up it to whole cup? Or starchy carbs will pump the thyroid better?
Oh, and as for the beans : i buy them canned (no additives, no sugar or stuff) - so i get 50/75 grams of them as half of the serving?

I have mental problems with adding those starchy carbs - there is no way around?

I understand, Blinq. And rest assured, you’re not stepping backwards. Carbs are a tool. Like a lot of tools, they can be used to good effect … or abused. A measured/limited amount of starchy carbs following resistance training is going to help repair your metabolism and help raise body temp. I can assure you that by most people’s standards, I’m carb stingy in what I allow/recommend people consume.

Let’s talk about starchy carbs consumed following resistance training and what it does and how it helps.

Following resistance training, blood sugar levels have dropped and liver glycogen depleted. Muscle glycogen levels have been reduced. And cortisol levels have started to rise. Cortisol, of course, is a stress hormone, a normal response to working out. One of the things cortisol does that we don’t want is it chews up small amounts of muscle to raise blood sugar levels. That’s one of the benefit of consuming starchy carbs PWO. Raising insulin causes cortisol levels to DROP.

What else does insulin do? It causes the carbs you’ve consumed to be stored in the muscles. It’s only when liver glycogen is full and muscle glycogen is full and blood sugar levels are high that carbs are stored as fat. In YOUR case, liver glycogen is DEPLETED, blood sugar levels are low, cortisol levels are higher than optimal , muscle glycogen has been reduced by the workout you just completed, and your muscles are primed to store the carbs you eat as glycogen … not fat!!!

It’s a very calculated approach, Blinq. Your metabolism needs it. The fact that your body temp is low tells me that you need it. The fact that energy levels, sleep and mood have improved to some degree tells me you are on the right track. And then on top of that, you dropped scale weight when that was not the goal!

Yes, increase beans from 1/2 cup to one cup. And look up how many grams of carbs that is. If you lose scale weight again next week, we need to increase carbs by 60g. You can keep your PWO starchy carbs where they are and add in 60g of NON-starchy carbs, but I think you’ll be complaining about how horribly full and stuffed you are. (grin) You’re definitely free to try, though.

Just so we’re on the same page, though, you need to increase what are called NET CARBS. Net Carbs are when you subtract the grams of Fiber from Total Carbs.

Don’t worry, Blinq. I’m definitely willing to work with you and compromise (or “dance,” as the case may be). This is all about you learning your body and learning what it takes to get the result you want.

And if you want to kick things around some more re the carbs and what they do (or what you’re AFRAID they’ll do), I’m willing to do that too. I appreciate your sharing your concerns and giving me the chance to make what I hope is persuasive argument. Definitely feel free to ask questions until you’re satisfied.

Thank you very much for your response, really - it’s nice to have someone who supports you so much.

Here’s what caught my attention :
“You have a choice. You can add them to your first P+Fruit meal of the day in the form of oatmeal, or you can add them to your PWO meal. But the long and the short of it is, add 25g in the form of starchy carbs to one of those two meals.”

So if i could add those 25grams of carbs to my PWO i would have to add them to my first meal on non-training days - that’s what made me thinking - or you’d like me to up my carb intake on training days only?

So if i could add those 25grams of carbs to my PWO i would have to add them to my first meal on non-training days - that’s what made me thinking - or you’d like me to up my carb intake on training days only?

I’m fine either way. I’ll let you decide this one. Of course week by week if you’re not seeing the results you want, you’ll have a pretty good idea of what I’m going to recommend and where I’m going to recommend you add 'em. (grin)

Feel free to play a part in the process and tell me where you’d like to add things, Blinq. It’s all negotiable. Since this is YOUR diet, it really needs to work for YOU!!!

You’re doing great!!! (grin)

Back with bad news guys n girls:
weight : -0,9pounds (-0,4kg)
chest : no change
arm : -0,3"
waist : nearly no change
butt : -0,4"
thigh : no change
calve : -0,3"

I think it’s time to add some more calories (adding the fats and beans seemed to make me lose weight again - scary :wink: ).

I’ve added 2grams of taurine /ed and it seems to help my recovery and temp. I did a lot of reading and for example, if i were to follow Berardi, i shouldn’t add starchy carbs outside the PWO window (and to upp the calories i should be adding fat - maybe some satured cause i’m always low on it).

Any input appreciated. Today is a cheat meal so i have some time to consider this stuff.

Terry will probably recommend to add 60grams in form of oatmeal in the morning but i just feel nice on a diet (like now) where i can eat like a horse and still not gain fat (which i usually do on carbs).

I’ll throw in a random pic to show where i am - i have really wide waist as you see in the picture - plum-like, lol [; That’s probably my femine element manifestation ;D (apologise for the poor quality - thought my camera battery wasn’t loaded - not true - it just broke down, so used my cell)

edit :
so here’s what i came up with : Precious Nutrition;
While personal insulin sensitivity and personal preferences can be important in deciding this, the system I use is relatively straightforward in most cases.

Step 1: Continue with Seven Habits.
Step 2: Increase carb energy (+250kcal) in workout and post-workout drinks.
Step 3: Increase carb energy (+250kcal) in first post-workout food meal.
Step 4: Add carb energy (+250kcal) in breakfast on workout days.
Step 5: Add fat energy (+250kcal) spread out through the day.
Step 6: Repeat Step 5.

Blinq, now that you’re under a bit less stress and your diet is improving, have your thyroid levels tested again. You may be due for a reduction in medication.

Keep protein at 1g per pound of body weight, and keep fat at 0.5g per pound of body weight. The caloric increase needs to come in the form of carbs. The number of carbs you are consuming needs to go up 60g per day over what you consumed (on average) last week. You are free to increase the number of fibrous green veggies you consume, but I’m not sure you could do it. Honestly, what I’d like for you to do is add 20g of starchy carbs to the first three P+C meals you eat. You’re also free to use skim milk as a protein source in the first meal of the day or following resistance training.

No HIIT yet, either. How is your recovery, sleep, mood, etc.?

I did a lot of reading and for example, if i were to follow Berardi, i shouldn’t add starchy carbs outside the PWO window (and to upp the calories i should be adding fat - maybe some satured cause i’m always low on it).

Not necessarily. It depends on the person and the issue. Berardi is a hard gainer, and there were times he was eating well above 20 times TBW. You can’t consume that number of calories NOT eating starchy carbs. It’s a case of timing.

Terry will probably recommend to add 60grams in form of oatmeal in the morning but i just feel nice on a diet (like now) where i can eat like a horse and still not gain fat (which i usually do on carbs).

I just saw this. (grin) You knew it was coming, huh?

It doesn’t have to be in the form of oatmeal. It can also be brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta, amaranth, or quinoa. Divide up the number of carbs you need to add into your diet across the first 3 P+C meals.

Questions, comments, criticisms, counter-offers? (grin)

Would it be a big difference if instead of adding 3x20g i would make it 1x60grams to the first meal? Probably yes, due to big insulin response?

What about yogurt? I’ve read you don’t always accept diary as it tends to hold some water.

Sry for being so ‘minimalist’ but… blah, you already know me :wink:

Some people do well with dairy, and some don’t. Try it both ways and see which you prefer. Yogurt and kefir have health benefits that I like a lot.

1x60g versus 3x20g? It’s actually better to provide your body with smaller amounts more frequently versus hitting your body with the whole amount all at once. But if you prefer, you could have 30g of the increased amount of carbs you’re going to be taking in at breakfast and 30 more grams to your PWO meal.

And remember, if they’re not all starchy carbs, if any of the increased number of carbs is coming from more fibrous green veggies, you need to count NET CARBS.

Net Carbs = Total Carbs (g) minus Fiber Carbs (g)

Thanks again - i decided to divide the carbs - 1 thing still haunt me (really :wink: )

Why in Terry’s dojo we don’t add calories by upping fats over 0,5grams per pound but we take in carbs (in the morning meals, not in form of PWO)?

(please forgive me for being such a geek, that’s just the way my attitude towards eating is :slight_smile: )

OMG, not geekish at all!!! (grin) You’re asking detail questions and wanting to understand what you’re doing and how it’s going to help you achieve your goals. I’ve always felt that unless people understood WHY they were doing something (or why they WEREN’T doing something), they’d never make a long-term commitment to a new and improved behavior.

With carbs and fat, when you raise one, you lower the other. People on low-carb diets need to consume more fat. Think of fat and carbs like two kids sitting on a See-Saw.

But you’re not on a low-carb diet. You’re on a smart-carb diet. You’re also bulking, so I’m looking at providing your body what it needs to increase LBM optimally. You’re getting all the fat you need for vibrant good health. You’re getting all the protein you need to support muscle growth and repair. Carbs are converted to blood sugar and stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.

When they’re stored, each molecule of glycogen is stored with 2 or 3 molecules of water. Increases in water weight gain from an increased consumption of carbs isn’t muscle gain, but it is creating a well hydrated muscle, and that’s an environment that is conducive to your building muscle.

The smart, judicious use of carbs will support your goals better than increasing fat.

Don’t worry, Blinq. You can take it slow and easy. I’d be happy with increases of two tenths of a pound from one week to the next. I just don’t want to see the scale going the other way.

Weight up : +0,22 pounds (lol :wink: ). I lost 1/3" from butt, but gained in waist - probably due to increased carbs and muscle pump?. Calve/arm/thigh - no real change.

I’ve been eating dairy and it doesn’t seem to affect my water retention that much.

I know Terry’s going to prescribe me another 60grams of carbs but i’m getting scared - i don’t want to gain fat - i think it’s time i put on some lean mass. Terry what you think about Massive Eating protocols? Or just keep things the way they are?

Temperature is a bit higher, still not normal (normal for me - i used to keep it on ‘ideal’ range some time ago). As for recovery i’m quite fine.


Nope, if you’re up .22 pounds, you can keep things as they are. You’re making progress (scale going up slowly) and I’m seeing positive changes in body composition. Don’t worry about the waist size being up. That can go up and down from week to week, depending on how much food is “in transit” in the digestive tract.

You’re doing great, Blinq. A lot of what you’re going through is psychological. You have to get used to a new (larger) you. So just make sure you hit your numbers day by day. If you do, it’s unlikely that the scale will go the wrong way. If it does, you know what you need to do. (grin)

Thanks for the update on body temp and recovery. It’s sounding good; i.e., things are slowly moving in the right direction.

Terry, we’ve got a problem…
I know you are quite busy now - thought i could you some help of yours ( i tried finding the solution out myself in your posts)

With these added +60grams of carbs which gave me a 0,22 increase last week - this week (i changed my plan and wanted to make cheat meal today, so i ‘measured’ myself) i’m 1,2kg (2,5pounds) … down. Pretty scary, huh. I know i should add another 60grams. How i should divide them? Doesn’t really matter? So every day i would have now 120grams of carbs to add to 3 P+C meals?

And another one : if a cheat meal would be my PWO - it should be eaten just after workout? Or i can take some whey protein with fruit and than 1-2 hours later nail the meal?


We’ve made changes along the way. Give me a list of your meals, times, and the amounts you’re currently hitting.

Just give me numbers, time, and the structure of things. I’m also willing to consider your requests/preferences. Knowing that we need to add another 60g of carbs into your diet, where would you prefer to add 'em? The two best spots are earlier in the day (first 3 or 4 meals) and PWO. A middle of the night shake with oatmeal is a possibility, too.

To get in another 60g of carbs, you may have to drop veggies to token amounts and beans to 1/2 cup. We’ll see.

Blinq, are you doing any cardio?

And another one : if a cheat meal would be my PWO - it should be eaten just after workout? Or i can take some whey protein with fruit and than 1-2 hours later nail the meal?

Sorry I missed this. Either way is fine.

Fruit should not take the place of the starchy carbs you need in your PWO shake or meal, though. Fruit is good, but you need a 2:1 ratio of starchy carbs to protein in both your PWO meal and shake.