BPC-157 Results

Doesn’t really matter. You can use your TRT pins to put water in the peptides.

Pick the amount of water you want to use and then plug in the numbers here.

2 mL/5 mg = 2 ml/5000 mcg

5000/250= 20


So, 0.1 mL of solution = 250 mcg of peptides

On a 1 cc syringe that is 1 unit. On a 0.33 cc syringe, that is still 1 unit, just easier since the syringe is smaller.

Peptides have to be refrigerated. I preload mine then just grab and go

I’m pretty sure my math is right. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong please.


Looks right. I did 2ml bac water to 5mg bottle. Filled to the 10 mark (1/10th cc) on a slin pin was 250mcg. I went a bit over that.

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Should have done the math before I ordered. If I understand right I will only get 20 250mcg out of one mixed bottle? I only bought one.

Yes, but that’s either 20 days or 10 days, depending on your dose. You’ll need at least one more. I ran 157 for 20 days

Well it’s for both my elbows. I was going to try once daily at both elbows.

Looks like I’ll have plenty of BAC water. Should I keep that refrigerated as well? How fragile is it once I mix it? Could keeping it in a fridge door be enough to damage it?


Like I said earlier, I preload and then grab a pin and inject. I keep mine in a cup in the bottom drawer which doesn’t get much use. I personally think a fridge door gets open a shitload in a normal house. Not sure how much effect this has on the peptide stability.

I have 2 small kids. My fridge is a battle zone :joy:

Is it possible to get a dorm fridge for the bedroom or garage where the munchkins cant get at it?

I have “heard” that it is not actually as fragile as Ben Green said in his review. The fridge door is fine.

You will certainly need more than one vial. It’s tough doing two injury sites with the half life of this stuff. I would start out with 250mcg near both elbows once daily. If nothing in a week or so I’d probably do 200mcg twice daily in both so 800mcg total per day.

Quite a few folks haha talked about taking 1mg daily without any issues. As long as the stuff that you got is actually BPC. The prices vary a TON and lot of fake BPC out there.

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Yes it is, I actually recently have one away lol

I ordered it from some peptide professionals so it should be legit.

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Where/how should the elbows be injected? Curious to hear experiences.