Bodybuilding Squats vs. Powerlifting Squats

What are the differences in leg positioning and bar positioning.

And, is there a difference or is it just BS.

edit-Also, whats better for bodybuilding-sumo, regular, or romanian DLs.

The athletic squat or bodybuilding squat is generally, feet slightly wider than shoulder width and bar on traps, a powerlifting squat your legs are spread wider and the bar is lower on back, on rear delts. But there are powerlifters our there who use a narrow stance so it is basically whatever works for you. as for sumo or conventional or rdl’s, do all three, they all work ham and glutes and lower back. Just rotate them so you don’t get burned out. or try them and do the one you like and can lift the most, rdl’s primarly target glute and hams.

Well, from my experience, PL Squats are a LOWER BODY mass builder while BB Squats are more QUAD specific. PL squats tend to tax the posterior chain more- glutes, hams, lower back.

Personally, my best results are when I powerlift squat and then do conventional deadlifts. The conventional deadlifts seem to give me all the quad work I need and, if I need more I usually hit the leg press. Most athletes and BB’s I see have enough quad development, but are sorely lacking in the posterior chain.

Back to deadlifts, personally I see the best results with conventional. Sumo tends to work better for shorter limbed lifters and seems (on me at least) to hit the posterior chain a little harder than the back. RDL’s are almost completely a hamstring exercise, but work the lower back as well.

Try them all. See how they feel, what you like, etc. Variety is great for building up legs and back.

Powerlifters usually use a much wider stance and position the bar lower on their back. Bodybuilders tend to use a shoulder-width stance and position the bar higher on their traps. You should be able to use more weight with a wider stance, but close stance squats are supposed to target the quads more. My quads have actually gotten bigger since I moved to a powerlifting style since I’ve been able to move more weight. I guess it depends what your goals are.