Bloodwork and Estrogen Ratio

My test is High and confirmed via blood work. Still higher bp. Believe it’s too much arimidex, too much caffeine, or chewing tobacco which I quit cold turkey a few weeks ago.

I would bet moobs has most to do with genetics. I was 5’9 130lbs with mega abs when I was a junior in high school and developed gyno. I’m not discounting Paxil could have led to this as well but even then there were tons of folks on Paxil that didn’t get gyno. I think it’s 1) genetics in place and then 2) the right hormonal imbalance to induce it. I’ve read there are tests you can take to see if you are predisposed to gyno. That’s why you see folks on 500mg+ and no AI doing cycles for 20 years and never get gyno but every now and then someone does one cycle and gets it.

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High prolactin is the cause of Gyno/ man boobs

This is false. Gyno can be caused by a number of issues.

This is also false.

Where are you guys learning this stuff??

Higher levels of testosterone, which ‘can’ lead to an increase in hematocrit and hemoglobin, can cause an increase in blood pressure which would directly contradict your statement.

I don’t understand why some of you are compelled to make statements based on something you read/heard by some random person on the Internet and accept it as the almighty truth. It doesn’t work that way.


An imbalance of testosterone, estrogen, prolactin and DHT can trigger gyno is those susceptible.

I know this too be true because my blood pressure was screaming when I had low T. I was waking up with debilitating headaches. Couldn’t stand up or see straight. Was on 3 different bp meds at once and still couldn’t get it down. Started taking T and my highBp went away. End of story

Not quite, but good info. Rather than saying “low test causes high BP”, it might be more accurate to say low testosterone may be a factor in some guys with high blood pressure.

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Yes you are right some guys may not be effected but I believe many are. The reason I got my T checked in the first place was because my Bp was out of control and Dr wanted to see if that was the cause. He ended up being right in my case.

I think there is an indirect relationship. Typically, low T guys are middle age, overweight, visceral fat, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, etc. guys. Probably the best thing TRT does for our health is get rid of the visceral fat. Not saying this was your case, but generally. Many report losing inches from their belly and gaining bodyweight (muscle). My BP came down with TRT, lost five inches from my waist, probably 15-20 lbs of fat while gaining 10-15 lbs of muscle.

On the other hand, some, while benefiting from the above, retain fluid with TRT and experience increased BP. The varied responses make this very interesting and proves there should be no one size fits all approach often seen with some TRT clinics.

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Wait… Aren’t YOU some random person on the Internet?



@bmbrady77 Ha! Excellent point! Do not take my word for it. However, you could always try to offer an argument as to how differing levels of SHBG would be relevant if you are doing daily injections and increasing dose gradually until symptom resolution. :slight_smile:

You won’t get any arguments from me on that one brother. You are way more versed than I am, but you’re also way more bullheaded too, and that’s saying a lot!!! Lol

All in good fun man! Hey, I don’t know if you read it or not, but speaking of, I started ED injections 6 weeks ago. I actually do feel I could use some improvement. I go and do my labs tomorrow, so hopefully when the consult comes around I can convince the doc to bump up my dosage a little more.

I can get through sex pretty regularly now without losing it (whereas before I would still lose it every now and then but I felt good overall) but I still have to have stimulation, I NEVER wake up with morning wood, and I can’t sleep for more than 4 hours in one sitting to save my life! I force myself to go back to sleep every night and I total somewhere around the 8 hour mark, but it usually either 2-4-2, or 4-4. Never 8 in one go.

I just can’t help but believe that that is keeping my metabolism (and insulin sensitivity) from being where it really could be.


If it’s any consolation, I had those exact same issues when I was doing a significantly lower dose. I know exactly what you mean. Now, prior to sex, I’m hard as a rock and it stays that way. If it falters a bit it’s after intense sex where I’m getting out of breath. I definitly need to work on my cardio! Finishing is way easier, orgasms are way better. It’s the sex that I knew sex was supposed to feel like. I haven’t had that for so many years I almost started to believe that it would never happen. Started training again a month ago after a year layoff, and holy crap what a difference. My body has changed so much already. I literally have no unresolved symptoms at this point. Ditching the AI was the biggest thing that helped, then moving to daily, then upping the dose. Throw in some DHEA if you haven’t already as that definitly helps in the sex department. 25mg for a few weeks to assess. Then if all good increase to 50mg.


Here are two videos I did lately that you may find rather helpful:

When I went to daily it took about 8 weeks to start feeling good and a little longer to feel great. Libido took another month before I was getting wood every morning consistently. At the 6th week I was thinking it wasn’t for me but week 8 is when things changed. Maybe you’ll have a similar outcome. I also am able to do higher doses without issues on daily shots.


@dbossa any suggestions on a particular brand for dhea or just buy whatever at CVS or off amazon?

I’m going to give it a go. Mine measured at the low end of normal on most recent labs so seems worth a try.

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What’s your levels at now after using dhea for this long?

pharma grade always. Others suck. That’s why guys who try supplements usually say it didn’t work for them.

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There are some who say if you’re not using pharma grade you’re wasting your time. However, I’ve been just getting the Natrol brand on Amazon and I can feel when I taking it and when I’m not. However, I cannot make the comparison with pharma grade as I’ve never tried it.

@enackers I haven’t done labs in a while now. I’ll check those levels next time I do. I feel great so doing labs now is an afterthought. When I wasn’t feeling great I kept wanting to do labs to see if my symptoms were related to too much E2 or too little LMAO! God damn the time and money I wasted on a stupid number I was supposed to have. Now you know why I get pissed when I hear others supporting that nonsense.

Oh, and guys, enackers knows his shit. Just saying.

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