Blood Work Results

[quote]dhickey wrote:
KSman wrote:
LH and FSH levels will track T levels and are really not of much interest right now. These are more of interest in a diagnostic differentiation between testicular failure and pituitary insufficiency. The LH and FSH levels in your case will be mid-low normal.

Please respond to earlier Q’s re thyroid and iodine. You should try a lower dose Armour thyroid to see how your mind/mood and body respond. If you feel better, that is the way to go.

I do use a fair amount of table salt. When at home I use sea salt, but when on the road I eat chicken breast salads at Subway 3-4 times a day. I have them put salt, pepper, vinigar, and oil on it. Should probably skip the salt and pepper.

Thyroid tests in July.

hTSH_II - 1.655 uIU/mL (.320-5)
Total T4 - 6.53 uG/dL (5-11)
T-Uptake - .78 (.72-1.24)
FTI - .37

I have not done much homework on this part of my bloodwork. I was focused on T and E. I did buy some liquid T3 at the same time as my liquiDex. I have not taken it as I haven’t found any recommendations on dosage and translating that to a number drops.

I’ll check out Armour Thyroid but anything requiring a script puts me in the same spot I am now, trying to find a doc willing to prescribe me anything. Going to have to do a bit of research in order to make a case for doing anything.

I can get T4 and T3 as research chems. Not sure how I know if it is natural or synthetic, or if it matters. Need to understand what happens if i happen to go off it. Need to understand dosage recommendations and how this translates to drops.[/quote]

I can’t advise exactly what to do with your T3. And yes, if you get on a drug, -how do you get off and where do you land. What I do suggest is trying small amounts and observing how your body responds. Then you will have sense of what you are after. This would be a proof of concept trial. You will be able also to have an idea of what is too much if you get there. T3 is rather fast acting. Do not combine with any other stimulants! You should be taking small enough amounts that you may not feel anything at all at first, then increase and observe.

I am thinking that you might do better with more iodine. As sea salt has no useful amounts of iodine left after crystallization, you should look for an iodized sea salt. Eating sea food and seaweed products is also helpful. You can also get some iodine rich supplements. If more iodine will help, that is better than thyroid hormones or at least less perhaps.

Does your doc feel your thyroid for size and texture. Does your throat look thick around that area? Sub clinical hypothyroidism is really not rare at all and most cases are not diagnosed. Many of the symptoms of hypogonadism are the the same as hypothyroidism.