Blasting Lordosis and Tilt

Hi Christian

I’m 21 and play alot of field sports here in ireland involing alot of running, twisting and turning. After having groin pain for close to a year i finally found out it was osteitis pubis so i cant play sport for 4/5 months. In this time i need to make big changes in my posture as it has been a big factor in my injury and the injury has made it worse again.

I’m very lordotic (leading to discomfort when standing for long periods) and very anteriorly tilted with very tight quads and extremely tight and weak hip flexors and weak glutes, leading to pain and reduction in speed when i run and just limiting my general movement on the field. The osteitis has lead to a big reduction in internal rotation and abduction in both legs also.

This is all really frustrating as i’m 21 and feel crocked already! What would be the best and most effective way to blast my anterior tilt and lordosis - i.e. if you had to pick 5/6 lifts/exercises to make up a workout what would they be as im hoping to feel as healthy as possible for a return to sport in 4 months…I just don’t want to be wasting time doing one type of exercise when another might be much more effective. I have all these months to train to i want to do whatever it takes.

Thanks in advance,

Thanks BBB, any other tips or advice anyone?

Not from me, but I’d be pleased to hear if you follow the advice and how well it works. Keep us updated. Thanks!

I feel you OP, I pretty much have the very exact problem. This anterior tilt is giving me a huge ass and a protruding stomach. Can’t wait to hear what CT has to say about it.

Here is what I am currently doing to cure my APT:


A1. Rectus Femoris Stretch
A2. Glute Bridges
B1. Piriformis Stretch
B2. Lying Clams

Knee hugs, Pull-back butt kicks, warrior lunges, running butt kicks, cross over reverse lunges, cradle walks, leg swings, roll over into v-seats, fire hydrant circles, mountain climbers, groiners, planks, bird dogs, prone scorpions. (I usually do more than half of them).

Yep can’t wait to see what everyone says… Any other advice guys? Seems to be a problem for a lot of people

Me to! same problem. Next month I’m going to chiro/acupuncturist. I will let you know what he says.
For now I’m just stretching my hip flexors and icing my sit bone (that’s my painful spot)

Bushido would you be so kind as to post how to improve the anterior pelvic tilt or lordosis? I have the same problem as the OP minus the ostetis pubis. Thanks your very helpful.

I wouldn’t mind hear it either Bushido or CT.

It would be outstanding information from either source; of course both would be ideal.

I’m a DPT student at the moment, so take this for what it’s worth (ie I’m not licensed to work with patients yet).

There seems to be a HUGE element missing in what I’ve read so far:

Pay attention to your pelvic positioning throughout the day! It only takes a mirror and a few seconds to find pelvic neutral. The way I like to do this is to go as far as you can into anterior pelvic tilt, then as far as you can into posterior tilt. Right in the middle will be at least very close to pelvic neutral. Your pants will probably have a very slight downward angle to them when looking from the side (assuming you’re not a big fat bastard), and you should maintain slight lordosis. That part is easy. Next part isn’t.

Now maintain that pelvic position throughout the day, even when you’re sitting and going from sitting to standing. Learn to maintain that pelvic alignment no matter what you are doing. You will find your abs get tired way down deep, and if you’re severely deficient in your glutes, they may get tired throughout the day, too. This will get better with time and practice.

Glute strengthening and hip flexor stretching are fine and dandy and should certainly be included (pre-workout is great), but without constant attention to the position of your pelvis you will certainly fail. This condition is almost always caused by poor daily postural habits, and the best way to fix it is to make them good daily postural habits.

Good luck.

Now that is so much more easily said than done. I am not saying that to criticize the advice. It may well be the key answer (I am not qualified to say: I wouldn’t be surprised if it is.)

I found kyphosis easy enough to correct this way.

But lordosis, the force involved to obtain what should be simply neutral posture is not something that thus far I have ever been able to make habitual. It’s one thing, when simply standing, to do it. It’s another to try for example walking for half an hour – even 15 minutes – doing it.

Also as what might seem a nitpick, but might also have something to do with it, is that perhaps you are describing cases such as you describe, where the person CAN go into posterior tilt, then split the difference and there they are.

If a person cannot achieve posterior tilt as a great deal of force is required to achieve even neutral, perhas this is a harder case than when the ROM is enough to allow posterior tilt. In such a case I can more readily see a person being able to hold proper posture all day with force of will, as I was able eventually to do with kyphosis.

Thanks for the amazing post! I’ve been fighting a losing battle trying to hold neutral pelvic alignment, especially when walking, for the past few months - I will definitely be giving your ideas a try today and in the coming weeks.

Great! Thanks for taking the time to write all that :slight_smile:

Thank you very much. This has not been a winning battle for me but now the potential seems clearly there.