Biology of Race

This is postmenopausal women:

This is really not complicated.

Its also really not worth it. I mean if he had an ounce of intellectual honesty he’d be able to understand that science is almost never about “WILL someone CHOOSE to follow this protocol?” and is almost always about “IF someone DID CHOOSE to follow this, would it work?” Raj is posting about the entirely wrong fucking question.

Diet and exercise work as treatments for people who choose to do them.


Lol, right… I’m reminded of CTs transformation:


If our personalities are highly heritable, isn’t that a relevant scientific question?

I’m not going to post it because I know you don’t read things that go against your opinion but impulse control has shown to have a sizable genetic component.

Interesting. I’m curious if they’ve kept the weight off after the 12 month period. 3 year studies and 10 year studies posted in the link I posted show different results

Is the stance that certain people are incapable of change when it comes to being overweight because their genetics make them too prone to impulses?

If genetics do play a large part in impulses I would wonder to what extent that it couldn’t just be ignored with hard work and perseverance.


He shaved his head. Better lighting. (Insert ankle biter excuse here) Lmao.


If humans can overcome addictions to heroine, tobacco and other nefarious compounds than they can overcome their impulse to eat garbage food.

You have to want it and take personal responsibility for it. Blaming your genes for your life choices is the most intellectually weak thing a person could do. It’s even worse to give other people an out, because addiction/obesity “runs in the family”.


[Quote=“TheRajRaj”] I’m not going to post it because I know you don’t read things that go against your opinion

Doesn’t even read an article he posted :joy::joy::joy: such a :clown_face: this thread. Why admin no end?

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Doesn’t even read an article he posted :joy::joy::joy: such a :clown_face: this thread. Why admin no end?


It’s amazing they conceded previous talking points

That’s pretty much where I fall too. I’ve seen people overcome heroine, alcohol, and so many other vices that straight up cause chemical imbalances in your brain. If people can beat those, putting down the cheeseburgers shouldn’t be impossible by any stretch.

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Ofc IQ measures intelligence. The caveat is that it measures the type of intelligence best suited to passing an IQ test. There are many types of intelligence.

I lean more heavily on IQ tests being locationally biased. Especially since adopted children from Africa aren’t walking around en masse at mental retardation IQ levels yet have the same history as those that do. [quote=“therajraj, post:1841, topic:228119”]
3) acknowledges the black white IQ gap

It’s impossible to refute the black white IQ gap. Scores are X for whites, X - Y for blacks. The question is whether or not the tests accurately measure all types of intelligence.

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If you read the article you posted no-one would have had to point out to you the nuances of said article.

Yet you criticize @Aragorn for:

When it’s clear you didn’t read the “leftist rag” that you surely believed went against your opinion, but turned out to support some of your thoughts.

The irony. The trolling.
Nah you’re not trolling; surely you don’t understand because you’re at the bottom of the bell curve.


I read the article, just didn’t notice those points until someone pointed it out to me.

Look bro, maybe you’re some Rhode Scholar, stop judging us regular guys so hard.

This reminded me of this guy


You missed the only points in the article that supported your thoughts and someone else had to point them out to you?



Yeah man unfortunately I’m not a genius like you. You must be Matt Damon from Goodwill Hunting.

I have Indian friends that are physicians and stuff…why you here?

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What are you even arguing for with this Obesity thing raj?

read the link. Treating Obesity with diet and exercise long term has shown to be completely ineffective.