Bioavailable Testosterone

I’d do a little more research on that one bro…

Since we can’t post links, I’ll paste an exerpt from this article (sorry for the long read)

Also, there are other fruits that DO raise BG levels besides bananas, like grapes and cherries.

In the strictest sense, according to my first post about the BG and HCT both causing thickening of the blood, I was off target by generalizing based on just fruits (it was mentioned strictly due to the context of the conversation however) concerning blood concentrations of glucose. And thank you for pointing that out. I hate having a misunderstanding of something and giving bad advice. At the same time, I don’t want create another misunderstanding that the long held belief that fruits are completely healthy and safe to eat is true. It simply isn’t.

And simply saying that “fruits do not raise blood sugar” is completely false as well. There are some that do. There are some that don’t, but even those can cause other problems in the liver that can contribute to diabetic issues.

Edit to add… I will take your word on the HCG. I have zero personal experience with it and only know what I have read. It would be interesting to study further about the effects of HCG on LH receptors.

So is it safe to say that eating fruit is not a healthy daily activity? I don’t eat any sugar really except for some Keto treats I get a local shop… they’re made with monk fruit for the sweetener. Anyway, I’m already underweight, I have to figure out a good diet without dairy and apparently grains which seems to be impossible because how else do you keep weight and / or gain weight. I also have to figure out if I’m going back to T injections… been feeling like crap for far too long.

thanks everyone for their help / insights.

I would say that it’s completely dependent on the person, but generally no. Fructose is metabolized entirely in the liver, and can cause a build up of fatty tissue in that organ. That fatty tissue can cause a whole host of issues, including contributing to diabetes.

For sweeteners Erythritol and Stevia are a safer alternative.

This one is pretty easy. I’m going to assume “keto” here since you stated that you have keto treats from the local shop, the fact that you said you try to avoid sugars. If you want me to run the numbers with another style of diet then I’d be happy to.

If you’re trying to gain weight (and I’m assuming that by “weight” you mean muscle), then eat .8-1g of protein per lb of your current lean body mass per day. Add to that 20g carbs per day. Add those together and multiply by 4. This will give you the caloric value of the total.

Then figure out what your RMR caloric requirements are (google it and you’ll find 10,000 calculators to get you in the ballpark). Add 10-20% to that number.

Then, subtract the number you got from the protein / carb calcs from the number above. Whatever the remainder is, divide it by 9. That will give you the number of quality fat grams (Omega 3’s, MCT oil, etc) you need to eat per day.

Viola. Eat a slight surplus everyday as described above and hit the gym…Hard! You’ll gain weight guaranteed barring any metabolic disorders or other unforeseen medical reasons.

Modified Keto (a little higher protein for building) style Example…

If you weigh 200 lbs and are at 20% BF, that means you have 160lbs of lean mass. Let’s say for example purposes that your RMR is 2000kcal.

2000 + 20% surplus = 2400 kcal
So 1 X 160 = 160g protein.
If you go with 20g of carbs then 160 + 20 = 180

180 X 4 = 720 cals

2400 - 720 = 1680 cals

1680 / 9 = ~ 187g of Fat.

So to gain weight, everyday you would need to eat…

160g Protein
20g Carbs
187g of Fat

And workout hard. Of course you could not work out and those surplus calories would put on the fat fairly quickly.

20% surplus is a little extreme and is only used for this example. I would realistically start with 10% and then work it from there.