Beyond 531 (351)

I followed 531 for almost two years and made “fair” gains. I have always made shit gains since I started lifting (15) I am now 24 and my strength and size level is of that of a two year lift (lol).

However I’ve recently been doing the version of 531 (351).

The 5s and 3s week are switched and I use joker sets, However I will go for 6 weeks and increase %s, due to this I set my TM pretty conservative.

DAY 1 - OHP / Bench

The accessory lift is 90% on 3s and 1+ week, then 80% on the 5s week. But it kicks my arse and I find doing 5 sets of 90% deads/squats after deads/squats a real challenge, how can I increase my work capacity?

HOWEVER! I have an issue where I will build up to where my 1RMs would be when setting the TMs but I seem to just about hit those with no additional gains, I then will reset weights and go back at it and maybe add 2.5kg over a 6 month period.

I am not sure where I am going wrong and perhaps it’s just a mental mind fuck as I really do over analyze the big weights and doubt myself a lot.

What sort of assistance work should I be following?

can you provide some more info as I don’t know why you’re doing 5 sets at 90%.

Are you doing the monolith or passing the torch templates or is this your own program?

If it’s passing the torch, use your judgement. Finishing up the first set at a weight which leaves 2-3 reps in the tank is a good start.

Monolith you may want to postpone until you have done some 5s pro + FSL work.

I would HIGHLY recommend using the 28 week program in the book.

What you are doing is not good. Follow the path that has already been paved.

[quote]Jim Wendler wrote:
I would HIGHLY recommend using the 28 week program in the book.

What you are doing is not good. Follow the path that has already been paved. [/quote]

I’ve been reading through this forum and I saw last night how you recommend it to be over 6 stages.

Will try to find that again and I think I will just go back to the basic program. I do find I was responding to hitting the lifts twice a week, but quickly stalled. I did maybe think a variation of the big 4 as an accessory would work better. So front squats, deficit deads etc.

Been a while since I read the books fully, going to go back to Advanced 531 and refresh memory.

I do appreciate the program and a dedicated forum. Thanks.

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