Better to Bulk or Strengthen First?

It’s probably best to focus on getting stronger in the hypertrophy range (8-12 reps) on all the basic lifts, like the bench press, overhead press, barbell/dumbbell row, squat, deadlift. If you eat plenty and train as hard as you can, you should make plenty of gains over the next year.

For routines and nutrition advice, refer to the stickied article in this forum: Are You A Beginner II - Beginners - Forums - T Nation

Also, refer to the Best of T-Nation collection of articles and threads:

I would recommend doing a routine like the one in this thread: Do This Routine Instead of That Dumb One - Competitive Bodybuilding - Forums - T Nation

Don’t over think it - just get to the gym and lift weights as many times a week as you can, and you should make gains. The most important factors are consistency and hard work.

Good luck!