Betrayal: The Autoimmune Solution They're Not Telling You

Another stupid post. You guys have nowhere to go and make fools of yourself. And speaking of shills isn’t you and your ilk that defends a healthcare system that is fundamentally based on profits?

Can you imagine the campaign promises in other countries? Vote for me and I will charge you about twice as much for healthcare with potentially worse results. We can also delay or prevent other measures of healthcare designed to help the public so that Big Pharma can make more money. But this is the very system you and your compadres espouse.



I’m not surprised you can’t think of anything else to say.

Since Fascism is a far right ideology I would think it fits you better.


Thank you for the warning. You should put that at the beginning of all of your posts.

Hey! I’m feeling nostalgic.

Remember that time you were all “Arg!! Healtchare blargedy blarg! I’m a grumpasaurus rex here to eat all of yo helthcares!”

and the mod was like “Conclusive proof that you are a shill!”

and everybody was all “HAAAAAAAA!hahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

Oh, those were good times. And thanks to the internet they’re still happening!

You’re like a pot of maitake mushroom extract at the end of an alt-pharma rainbow. Which isn’t actually a rainbow. Its a guy with a flashlight that keeps pointing it at what he wants you to see.


I guess I am as I believe that capitalism deserves some criticism. So maybe that qualifies me.
It is all you have left. Call someone a name that has a negative connotation. You are astute.

So you have to resort to personal attacks because you have no argument for what you believe in. Which is essentially a system that places profits before anything else and all the negativity that entails.

You are railing against profits whilst attempting to make profits… You do understand how bad that makes you look, right?

At least most of big pharma’s products work in a demonstrable fashion. “Alternative” medicine is fraught with quackery. So you could argue that big pharma actually creates value to earn its profits, unlike a huge chunk of the alternative market:


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Zep has posted this exact quote at least a hundred times on this website. Maybe a thousand. It’s literally the only thing he can say back to people.

Attempting to make profits, how exactly?

You do realize that the cancer industry makes 100’s of millions if not over a billion a year.

Big Pharma is mainly interested in profits not health! It is the reason they were against medicinal marijuana and how they with their partners in the FDA is holding off treatments like stem cell therapy. From what I understand they cannot patent a stem cell and therefore this will make it difficult for them to generate profits. Never mind that tens of thousands all over the world have benefitted from the therapy, they cannot benefit here in the U.S. because Big Pharma cannot make the profits they want.

Since Nixon declared a War On Cancer, it has been almost 50 years and almost 1 billion has been spent on “research”. The main treatment modalities for cancer are still chemo and radiation. Is this not embarrassing? What is actually going on? Profits among other things but mainly the inexorable pursuit of more money.

How many deaths each year are caused by Big Pharma and their pharmaceuticals?

You are completely unaware how naïve your post is.

Doesn’t make it not true.

You do know the survival rates for some cancers has skyrocketed right? Childhood leukemia went from a 10% survival/remission rate to 90%. That’s what has been going on since Nixon.

You are posting affiliate links so when we click on them you make money. @Chris_Colucci caught you red-handed.


And you do knw that cancer is still the number 2 reason for death in this country?

All I did was copy and paste a link for the docu-series. I make no money from it. This just goes to show you continually have no idea what you are talking about in all aspects.

Here is Professor Thomas Seyfried (an obvious quack as he does not tow the line for the cancer industry)

Cancer is a metabolic disease not a genetic one.

#1 reason for death in this country- Life!

We should all move to some heathcare utopia with no cancer industry and everybody operates on altruism, and accepts pixie dust for payment.

Like Neverland with free and legal weed!

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Wait… you’re saying I’m going to die? :scream:

We’ll all be fine Thanks to advancements in modern alternative medicine. Just sip on this mushroom juice and everything will be just fine…

:mushroom: :roller_coaster:

#1 reason for death in this country- Life! So are you saying we should just accept this healthcare system that the rest of the industrialized world has shunned? Or should we just accept that profits come before health?