
What should i do on fridays? I want to use my current program. Maybe i can drop bench, and do all the other friday-stuff if i dont need the dynamic bench. Will i gain less without the dynamic bench?


Danny: If your legs are only 4cm bigger than your arms, you need to change your priorities. You’re young enough where your bench and squat can simultaneously improve pretty quickly, but it sounds like you need to focus on squatting.

SRS - Age doesnt justify detraining. go read your books.

babyfaced assassin - dont lose your breath. It’s not a party, and it annoys the crap out of us when someone starts woooing and hyperventilating because the poster happens to be 14 yrs old.

Danny - some of these guys know what they’re talking about. most dont have a clue, and have nothing better to do other than play personal trainer. Fitone knows what he’s saying. SRS doesnt. i would ask christian thibeaudeau in the lair of the ice dog forum. You know whatever he tells you is tried and true.

point in case, the two strongest guys i know started training consistently at age 12, when their dads started bringing them to the gym. never tool a onth off to shoot hoops and never expereienced growth stagnation as a result of it.

hey really, stop the west side training for now or atleast the heavy lifting. trust me i’ve trained heavy since about that age and even though i still lift heavy many of my joint hurt. i have arthritis in my knees, bad back and neck. these injuries have been around since before i graduated from high school. i am only 29yo and some mornings i feel 80. i’m not lecturing you but offering advice unfortunaltly i didn’t take the advice when it was given to me, now i pay the price.
try and keep reps at about 8-10 train 2 or 3 times a week. alternate upper and lower body workouts. wait a couple of years before u try westside training. when you have a base it works awsome you’ll be benching way more than 2 plates

To Diesel23-

  1. Dude, we’re ALL playing personal trainer here, including you believe it or not.

    2)I am well aware of the “detraining” methodology, and I read CT’s stuff regularly- A great read. He has greater experience than I would ever profess to. I also agree with you encouraging Danny to read the info on the Lair of the Ice Dog forum.

  2. My advice for Danny however wouldn’t change. Take the whole picture into consideration here: What I am saying is I think in THIS circumstance it would cause little harm (and I think some good) for the body to be given a short break. Even if the body isn’t overtrained, I would suspect the nervous system and mindset are.

    Sure, a detraining period might work too, as long as the goals and the training methodology of that period are understood and adhered to. I may be wrong (I admit I’m not perfect), but talking about “bench plateu’s” with no gain in 1 month (he’s increased the bench from 65 to 135 in 6 months!)strikes me as an unhealthy fixation that needs to be tuned down a little into realism.

    I usually strive, more than most, to be scientific and objective vs subjective in what I post. However seeing as your training lore (advice) is “anecdotal”… Quote:

    *the two strongest guys i know started training consistently at age 12, when their dads started bringing them to the gym. never tool a onth off to shoot hoops and never expereienced growth stagnation as a result of it.

    …so is mine allowed to be- I have seen several times in the past individuals who take that short break, bringing the mind and body freshness back to complement the hunger, and rejuvenate progress as a result. Not disrespecting your point of view here, just emphasising once more the “diffr’nt strokes…” approach.

    (I’ll just add here that I would say probably the most complete advice so far has come from Dogchild- nice stuff nicely put.)

    What say you Danny?- I hope the varying discussion here has not confused you. SRS

Arms: 31cm
Calves: 35cm
Thighs: 52cm

Okay… sorry for my english. of course i meant calves and not legs