Beginner Routines?

For those not interested in my girly rant above :slight_smile: here’s the cliff notes

Train according to how your body responds

Work a muscle - get a good balance between intensity and volume/pump - train it again when you are stronger

OP, you do obviously need to get stronger, but no you do not have to follow a “strength program” or do “starting strength” or listen to the advice of people who don’t even look like they lift weights, much less have the body you want to have.

My advice would be to read the Best of T-Nation sticky in the bodybuilding forum (threads by and about people that are actually big), especially the “Do This Routine Instead of That Dumb One” thread, and then either follow one of those or make your own routine out of a few basic freeweight exercises for each muscle group.

If you want my recommendation on a routine, it would be: chest&triceps, back&biceps, shoulders&traps, thighs&calves, rest, rest or repeat

Flat, incline, and flyes for chest; Lying and overhead extensions, and pushdowns for triceps. Pullups or pulldowns, barbell rows, T-bar rows for back. Barbell curls, concentration curls, and hammer curls for biceps. Seated DB or BB press, DB side raises, and DB rear raises for shoulders, barbell shrugs for traps. Back squats, stiff-leg deadlifts, leg extensions and leg curls for thighs, standing and seated calf raises for calves.

3-5 sets, 8-12 reps for the big stuff, 12-15 reps for the little stuff. Working up to one or two sets of non-stop reps to failure for each exercise in whichever rep range. Fighting to add reps or weight to the big stuff every session, the little stuff should be going up in weight at least every month.

That is honestly the routine I would do if I could fly back in time to when I was underweight and benching 155lbs. Just putting that out there.

  1. Listen to Colucci.
  2. Consume more quality calories -peri work out nutrition is HUGE-
  3. Stop thinking and start lifting. The program you listed has a ton of ‘variety’ but WAY too much accessory work. You might as well go buy P90X.
  4. Stick with a simple plan for 6 months and log your results.

Be sure your plan includes complex lifts as the basis of most training days and you will build more muscle faster. If you really don’t want to think about it, do JW’s 531 for 12 months and evaluate your progress then.

[quote]WaxyLizard wrote:
Okay, cool. So next workout, it’s:

Squat 3x5 95kg
Overhead press 3x5 50kg (presuming that’s doable)
Power clean 3x5 65-70kg (presuming that’s doable)

Workout after that:
Squat 3x5 100kg
Bench 3x5 75kg
Deadlift 1x5 80kg

Continue progressing for at least another 3 or 4 weeks before forming an actual opinion on the program.

Also… crucial pop quiz… what, exactly, did you eat yesterday?

I eat the same things everyday… 100g oats with honey, 4eggs blended with milk and honey, 2 peanut butter sandwiches, 100g almonds, apple, kiwi, chicken breast an broc, steak pasta and veg. Sometimes I eat a beef burger too

[quote]WaxyLizard wrote:
I eat the same things everyday… 100g oats with honey, 4eggs blended with milk and honey, 2 peanut butter sandwiches, 100g almonds, apple, kiwi, chicken breast an broc, steak pasta and veg. Sometimes I eat a beef burger too[/quote]
Yesterday, did that break down into something like:

Breakfast: 100g oats with honey, 4eggs blended with milk and honey

Snack: 2 peanut butter sandwiches, 100g almonds, apple

Lunch: kiwi, chicken breast an broc

Dinner: steak pasta and veg

Snack: beef burger

What are you having before, during, and after your workout?

Also, in the almost-two weeks since you started asking questions about your training and nutrition, how much has your bodyweight increased? Learning, reading, and fine-tuning is great, of course, but in the meantime, make sure you’re still taking some kind of steps towards the goal.

Yeah that’s pretty much it. Before I go to the gym I usually blend 4 eggs with Milo and milk and have a handful of almonds. After I have steak, fruit, veg and pasta

100 grams of almonds in one sitting? Thats commitment right there lol. Dry mouth.