Beginner Looking to Shift from PPL

I’ve been lifting about 3 months, initially hit my goal lost ~25lbs. Sitting at 6ft 170lbs with semi-visible abs and looking to get more serious and improve my routine as well as put on muscle. I imagine my genetics are pretty decent.

I do a basic PPL split, with no real routine. I do 4-6 workouts a week, just whenever I have time basically and rotate PPL.

Push day -

Chest Press 3 sets 6-8 reps

Reverse Fly 3 sets 8-10 reps

Lateral Raise 3 sets 6-8 reps

Incline Press 3 sets 6-8 reps

Shoulder Plate Raises 3 sets 8-10 reps

Pull day

Single Arm Rows 3 sets 8-10 reps

Incline Bicep Curl 3 sets 6-8 reps

Bent Rows 6-8 reps

Lat Pulldown 8-10 reps

Barbell Curl 6-8 reps

Neck Extension (saw this shit on yt)

Leg/Core Day

Squats 8-10 reps

Good Mornings 8-10 reps

Leg Press 8-10 reps

Leg Curl 8-10 reps

Leg Raises

Seated Crunch

I guess this is a super basic routine, lots of compound movements which I intend to keep but I’d like to set a more consistent schedule and one that allows me to train often without too much individual soreness. My goal is to put on 10 lbs of muscle by the end of the year which seems doable as I still have the newbie gains and I’ve been eating pretty well.

Straight PPL works fine, until it doesn’t anymore.

I would suggest starting 5/3/1 for your compound lifts (bench, squat, overhead press, deadlift) because being strong in these lifts will pay dividends throughout your entire career in lifting.

I ran a program like this previously and would recommend it to get you strong in all the areas you want to be strong in, as well as hitting the muscles you want to get big.

I also had a PPL + Gap version of this with some MetCon for the gap workout. It looked like this

Or you could just follow any of the other assistance packages listed in the 5/3/1 books. 5/3/1 Boring But Big has outstanding reviews from many people who have ran it here, I would also recommend giving it a look.

Missed this on the first go-round.

Soreness is a byproduct that you will still get from time-to-time, no matter how long you have been training. Regarding frequency… you probably aren’t there yet, but you will very soon reach a point where training more isn’t really better anymore. Most serious lifters are training 3-5 days per week, many settling on 4 days per week. If your training is intense enough, 4 days per week is plenty.

P.S: PPL is just a template for how to organize your training days. What makes it effective or ineffective is what you are doing on those days =)

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As is the case with everything, to be fair.



This leaves you wide open. Something that may fit the bill and be worth trying, as it’s very different so you’ll get to learn a lot about what you like:

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