Beginner Bodybuilder

Today is a day of boring conference calls followed by some squats.

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My job presently is very boring and this passes the time. It might also help someone who is reading and thinking along the same lines but not participating, but even if not, I fulfil my selfish need for entertainment.

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that’s hilarious that you both said the same thing just there


You bring up great points. 5/3/1 is giving me results. I guess where the “bodybuilding” idea comes from more variety as well as my end goal is to be 190-195 cut versus 220+. I’m still running a 5/3/1 template and I do like it and I am getting stronger. And as I think about it more, I just need to work my assistance more efficently. I get 5 chins between every set of squats and deadlifts.

5/3/1 SHOULD allow you to gain weight along with strength. If you did not put on any weight with the program, I would surmise that you were not eating in a manner that was allowing you to put on weight.

Your statement about wanting to be 190-195 vs 220+ perplexes me. Wouldn’t the solution simply be to NOT keep gaining weight once you reach your goal?

Like, presently, I am trying very hard to regain some weight I lost in my surgery. It is a slow process, and I am lucky if I gain a pound a week. I am weighing in right around 191lbs right now. I don’t see any possible way I could weigh 220lbs without passing by 195 on the way.

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You make a lot of sense. I guess regardless how I get to 195 I can then adjust my routine/nutrition to what I need (more bulk/cut).