BBS Better for Upper Body or Lower?

Do you guys find BBS works better for press/bench or dead/squat?

Im using it for the press/bench now in my Leader and FSL 5x5 for the dead/squat as I’m thinking the upper body lifts could benefit from more volume.


Nope. Seems equally effective.

Might help:


Yea i’m not using the same template for all the lifts.

How do you know which works best for each lift? I guess trial and error?

I also like to use some of the templates from Beyond…like FSL 5x3 Paused on Bench and Squat.

The above gives you a starting point and then you need to look at what your log tells you

I also like to use some of the templates from Beyond…like FSL 5x3 Paused on Bench and Squat.

Go for it. Your training is probably going to benefit from some variety.

I have thought about and tried different supplemental schemes for each lift.

Personally, I like 5x10 (BBB) for BP, OHP, and squat. I think widowmakers for squats are great, and I have done them, but they are tough and don’t regularly do them.

For DL, I can’t do 5x10 for long or I wear down and can’t recover. Even doing BBB with the trap bar wore me out after a full cycle. For DL’s I use Dan John’s method of 5x2, with big jumps so only the last double is heavy. Then, I like 5x5 FSL or even just doing something like cleans or snatches 5x5 before the DL work, and be done with them after the 5x2. I think, though, this would disappoint @T3hPwnisher and for that, I am sorry.

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This is why we plan and program our training ala the entire point of the 531 Forever book.