BBB Assistance Percentages and Rest Time

[quote]lenn_funk wrote:
I am interested in people’s thoughts regarding percentages and rest time for big but boring assistance (primarily on upper body).

I had been running @ .65 of my TM. What I have found is that I am resting more between sets and it had become a time suck on my workouts.

This weekend I lowered my TM , set the weights at .60 of my new TM and set a timer of 1:30 between sets and rattled through it.

Right now my goal is to regain weight I lost of over the summer playing on multiple soccer teams and having a little to much fun. Some strength losses to but I am confident that the strength will rebound with my weight and that my 5/3/1 reps are building that.


I love when people don’t follow the program. BBB is supposed to be around 50-60% of your TM. The only time this isn’t applicable is the BBB Challenge, Diet BBB and Forever BBB.

Please do the program as written by the dude who wrote the program.