Back to It

I’m glad to see you back and sorry to hear of your troubles. Sadly they are waters tread often by many of us.

PeteS -

Breaking my TN silence to commisserate and also throw some good thoughts your way. Last fall I had a shoulder injury (still working through) and a minor quad strain. No fun when things get in the way of the things that keep us sane.

I’m sorry to hear about your divorce. No fun.

The iron hurts and heals.

Stay with it, big man, you’re one of the inspirations.

All the best.

thanks for all the welcome backs

yesterday when putting the efs yoke bar in the rack I cleaned it, felt a pop in my shoulder when doing so, and no pain today, so my plan was chest/bis/calves/abs. two light sets of chest and no go, wait until next week


machine preacher 3 x 25 wu, working 1 x 20, 1 x 15, 1 x 12, 3 x 10-14, set 4 drop set

face curls 6 x 12-20

seated cable curls 4 x 8-10

crunches 4 x 12

calved 8 x 15

stress out about life x 100000000

That iron has a way of briefly blocking out the life stress like a deep, heavy, rain cloud shadowing the sun.

Four consecutives would be tough. Good for you for pushing through and working with the schedule you have. I am certain it will get easier in all regards. This, too, shall pass.

Pete S

glad to see you back- Im sneaking back in too.
all I can say is silver linings bro.

whiped today with lots of external stressors. love reading reports from my ex that pl was to much of a distraction for me for our marriage to last. lol, if she had married any other guy in MN who was a hunter and fisher…

today back/hams

rev grip pullldown, 4 warm ups, 5 working sets 10-15

rdl no belt worked up to 405 x 3, easy, no belt, good enough for now

yates row warm ups then 3 x 6 w 315

low pulley row 5 x 10-15

ghr 4 x 6

fried after this

Liking your comeback Pete. What program are you thinking of running?

[quote]brotardscience wrote:
Pete S

glad to see you back- Im sneaking back in too.
all I can say is silver linings bro.[/quote]

good to hear from you shorty

[quote]Oldman Powers wrote:
Liking your comeback Pete. What program are you thinking of running? [/quote]

for now it will be fairly simple progressive powerbuilding type routine, I need to recomp my body and get my basic core strength back up. I have been doing lots of hack squats, leg presses, hammerstrength presses, etc over the last year, but no real squats, deads or benching. for now will be working in variations of the core lifts while focusing a lot on hypertrophy and conditioning and diet, once I feel it I will go back to Westside, baby…

Looks good Pete. Its hard for some people to realize that PL is a positive distraction. My wife does not get it either, but she supports what I do.

[quote]Crippler56 wrote:
Looks good Pete. Its hard for some people to realize that PL is a positive distraction. My wife does not get it either, but she supports what I do. [/quote]

My ex is citing in divorce proceedings that I was unavailable to her and the kids due to pl, the only time that was ever impacted by family time was Thursday squat night, and even then I made sure to be home to read books to kids. Meanwhile she has gone for years w/o working, and is in the gym everyday herself. It is a fucked up situation.

Met with my new nephrologist today, great guy. He is helping me address some immediate health concerns that I may document here. I will provide more detail later, but holy water retention batman. start diuretic tomorrow

So in the past couple of weeks I put on about 50lbs of water weight. I had started lo carbing it and wasn’t understanding how shitty I was feeling, blamed on stress, etc. Stepped on the scale the other day and could not fucking believe it. Edema in response to my heriditary kidney condition.

Now, 36 hours after starting water pill I am down 22lb. See if I can lose all fifty over the weekend lol

training-focus on water depletion lol

sauna 15 min

elliptical 20

machine rear delt 6 x 12-15

1 arm cable lateral 8 x 12-15

up row 5 x 10-12

pressdown 8 x 10-20

rope down rope extension superset 4 x 10-15 each

reverse grip 1 arm pressdown 6 x 10-15

machine dips 4 x 10-15

abs 4 x 12

So in the past couple of weeks I put on about 50lbs of water weight. I had started lo carbing it and wasn’t understanding how shitty I was feeling, blamed on stress, etc. Stepped on the scale the other day and could not fucking believe it. Edema in response to my heriditary kidney condition.

Now, 36 hours after starting water pill I am down 22lb. See if I can lose all fifty over the weekend lol

training-focus on water depletion lol

sauna 15 min

elliptical 20

machine rear delt 6 x 12-15

1 arm cable lateral 8 x 12-15

up row 5 x 10-12

pressdown 8 x 10-20

rope down rope extension superset 4 x 10-15 each

reverse grip 1 arm pressdown 6 x 10-15

machine dips 4 x 10-15

abs 4 x 12

treadmill, 2.0 incline, 3.0 pace 20 min

ssb yoke bar to low box, latt/de training 8 x w 360, 5 x 2 w 310

leg press warm ups then 5 x 10 w 14 pl, 1 x 40 w 8 pl

giant set

leg ext/leg curl/sissy squat/calves 3 x some each

sweat out 8 lbs

That’s a lot of water to gain…geez.

Wow. Just stop by to see if I still recognized anyone. Looks like a lot of shit goin on with your life but you still a strong sob. Keep the faith.

Stay strong Pete

Praying for you and your kids sir.

[quote]PeteS wrote:

[quote]Crippler56 wrote:
Looks good Pete. Its hard for some people to realize that PL is a positive distraction. My wife does not get it either, but she supports what I do. [/quote]

My ex is citing in divorce proceedings that I was unavailable to her and the kids due to pl, the only time that was ever impacted by family time was Thursday squat night, and even then I made sure to be home to read books to kids. Meanwhile she has gone for years w/o working, and is in the gym everyday herself. It is a fucked up situation. [/quote]

Sorry man,
I went through this a bit before coming here.
It is amazing how much bullshit will be thrown… Sorry but it just the way it is.

In my case almost none of it had any reality. Most of it was what my ex felt guilty about. But I still had to defend against it.

Hope, you can achieve a Zen like acceptance…
But most of all, hope that what ever happens is the best of what can happen for your kids.