Back Squat Critique

Hi guys and gals,

Could anyone constuctively!) critique my high bar back squat please?

And yes of course I’m aware it’s only 140kg but it’s my PB so far so I’m happy enough. Of course I want more weight on the bar over time.

I “think” I’m squatting ok but my right knee in particular gets sore days after so I must be making mistakes, as I’ve read that if your form is good then your knees shouldn’t hurt.



Pusher, I saw your power clean thread… You have extreme ankle mobility problems.

You’re low bar squatting in a high bar position.

^ agree bar placment is too high. Also your mobility needs work, your lower back it rounding at the bottom and your coming up with that rounded back. Knees are traveling too far forward and your putting the weight on your toes. Upper back isn’t tight.

I think you should open up the stance a bit, “sit-back” more, remeber to keep your arch and keep the weight on your heels. Oh and lower the bar position so it isn’t on your neck!
Try that on for size.

Looks like the adductors need to be strengthened a lot and loosened up some, as well as working more on the hips and hamstrings. You are sitting pretty much straight down and you end up collapsing your arches in your feet. until you get stronger hips and work on that ankle mobility I would squat with different shoes that have a heel, as yours dont seem to. Practice staying more upright and driving the knees out.

I would take some time and really work on that mobility or those knees are going to keep suffering. Check out as many videos from these 2 pages as you have time for:

Good luck. If you find anything out in particular when implementing those cues and these mobility exercises just post back here

I agree that you are collapsing on your arches. Work on pointing your toes more forward when you squat, and jacking your knees out. That’s a much better position to squat from, both in terms of making you stronger and keeping your knees healthy. Also, it might limit your depth just enough so that the buttwink isn’t so pronounced, though I don’t think that’s as big of a deal as some other people in the thread seem to. Although there seem to be two different schools of thought on that subject, so you gotta do your own research and decide for yourself.

Other than forcing your knees out/toes forward/keeping your weight on the heels and outside of your foot, it looks like a pretty good squat. I think you could definitely be moving the weight smoother down and up, catching a little bit of a stretch reflex. You’re pretty much pausing at the bottom, and I don’t know if that’s just for the video of what haha but a smoother transition between the down and up, with your knees jacked out and more toque in your hip would let you catch a nice rebound out of the bottom, and definitely put some pounds on your squat

You have the bar high but are not “high bar squatting”,

in classic high bar your back is more vertical and you drive through your quads, you are driving at the mid point with hips and back,not quads, BAD positioning for knees.

either drop the bar down and squat with hips back not so low, or if for whatever you are doing squats for you need the extra quad work try to keep your body vertical and drive through the quads (maybe consider front squatting instead)

confused now ???

Bar placement is too high, bring it lower so it sits just below the bone that is the spine of the scapula. Will need some getting used to specially with shoulder flexibility if you are lacking there.

Also need to stay tighter specially in the hole you have the strength to push more but losing tightness at the bottom. Take a big breath into your stomach and hold it tight - do not breathe anymore in or out until you start the ascend - i would even recommend not to breath in or out until you are back up for the beginning.

Work on some weighted ab work and strengthen lower back.

As for the right knee - start foam rolling the ITB before squatting, rolling the piriforming with golf ball/tennis ball, stretching the glutes. I bet that’ll fix it.

I’m not an expert however i compete in PL and i have squatted 222.5kg raw at bodyweight of under 83kg in the IPF. I have represented my country at the World Championships and I own a hardcore strength and conditioning facility where i train many other athletes who also must do squats and get good at it. So that’s my 2 cents for you to start with. There are more things to fix down the track but fixing those will help.

[quote]Amir_Fazeli wrote:
Bar placement is too high, bring it lower so it sits just below the bone that is the spine of the scapula. Will need some getting used to specially with shoulder flexibility if you are lacking there.

Also need to stay tighter specially in the hole you have the strength to push more but losing tightness at the bottom. Take a big breath into your stomach and hold it tight - do not breathe anymore in or out until you start the ascend - i would even recommend not to breath in or out until you are back up for the beginning.

Work on some weighted ab work and strengthen lower back.

As for the right knee - start foam rolling the ITB before squatting, rolling the piriforming with golf ball/tennis ball, stretching the glutes. I bet that’ll fix it.

I’m not an expert however i compete in PL and i have squatted 222.5kg raw at bodyweight of under 83kg in the IPF. I have represented my country at the World Championships and I own a hardcore strength and conditioning facility where i train many other athletes who also must do squats and get good at it. So that’s my 2 cents for you to start with. There are more things to fix down the track but fixing those will help.[/quote]

you will do for an expert for me…

good to see you on the board, hope all is going well for the Oct comp you are managing

[quote]DSSG wrote:
Pusher, I saw your power clean thread… You have extreme ankle mobility problems. [/quote]

Thanks for the feedback. You mean my ankles are too tight and don’t move enough? Please clarify for me just so I’m clear.