Back-Off Week After Cycle?

I usually take a back-off week every 3rd or 4th week. I am planning on trying a pro-hormone cycle in the fall sometime and was wondering about when to take a week off. Say if I did a three or 4 week cycle and then 4 weeks of PCT. Any thoughts?

just personal preference…i like to drop the volume WAY down while keeping the intensity up during pct. quick intense sessions in the gym while keeping the calories high and getting proper rest is the way to go during PCT IMO.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Now that PH’s are just as illegal as AAS (I’m assuming thats true for Texas), why would you want to bother with them, when a 3 week cycle of gear would be far more effective…??? With probably, just about the same amount of sides…!!!

Unless of course you have a stash…


baby steps