Awesome Oly Lifting Vid

Where was the Olympic lifting? All I saw was some pseudo weak muscle snatches and some reverse curl and press. Also those guys had pretty poor overhead strength even if they had decent physiques.

for sure, his training style is totally hardcore!

[quote]BCpowder wrote:
Where was the Olympic lifting? All I saw was some pseudo weak muscle snatches and some reverse curl and press. Also those guys had pretty poor overhead strength even if they had decent physiques.[/quote]

ha, yea I know, I was being facetious. As much as I hate the subject, that’s not the best case for bodybuilders and functional muscle.

Wow, I wonder if he believes his own bullshit.


That’s why people call bodybuilders unfuctional.

So far the only decent “Fit Show” episodes I have seen have featured Mariusz. Go figure.

I just watched the first 2 minutes and these guys are a joke… I have been training for ~3 weeks and I can do more weight…

oly lifting ?

That’s some of the most hardcore, intense, cutting edge training I have every seen. Now I know what I have been doing wrong all these years. WOW.
