Aug '16 Photo/Video Check-In

Is it weird that I feel all proud of you? But I do. Incredible progress - you don’t even look like the same guy. You’re starting to look badass.


This is what I’m most proud of in the last six months (42.5 kg). I am a horrific bencher. This is a PR for me since I had my shoulder repaired six years ago:

I compete in the 52 kg class and am 51 next month.


Hey man, I’ve got a question about the 300 lbs clean. And I don’t know the answer because I can’t personally perform a full clean with any significant weight. I’m assuming a 300 lbs front squat isn’t normally so difficult for you. Why was it so difficult here? Did you get out of position, or does the full clean just sap that much energy out of you that it makes the front squat substantially more difficult?

First, I must preface this by saying I am not an Olympic lifting expert. And yes, a well rested max rock bottom front squat for me is probably somewhere above 150 kg (330 pounds) for me right now and can even pause front squat in the 145 Kg range.

There are a couple of reasons, but basically, yeah I’m just out of position. The biggest is that I pulled the weight too far backward and rocked onto my heels (almost picking up my toes) when I caught it and had to sit in the bottom and fight to regain my balance and tightness. I also don’t meet the bar very well. Meaning I actually rush and get too far under it and it drops a significant distance from its’ peak height and crashes down on me. I basically sit in the hole and get a 300 pound barbell dropped on me. You loose most of the elastic rebound this way because you aren’t loaded going into the hole. Properly I should catch the barbell at its’ peak and control it as I descend into the hole with it. This preserves stability and gets you more rebound making it more like a regular front squat.

If you do everything right, a good lifter can clean around what they can deep front squat. Which is another thing to consider, a regular below parallel front squat is generally still a good bit above a real catch position. Even when I’m deep or even pause front squatting I probably don’t sink into the hole quite as much as I’m forced to in a catch. Try a front squat to this position where your butt literally touches your shoes:

Plus this was at the end of a training session and not my first attempt, while also squatting every day plus Olympic lifting. I’m generally a bit under my peak, unless I’m just coming off a deload. But mostly I’m just not very good at Olympic lifting yet.


Last check in I was about 2 months post op from ACL reconstruction. Now about 8 months post op I am back to hitting some PRs.

A 586lb axle deadlift

And from yesterday, a 5x206 on axle strict press

I have heen hitting medleys and all the other strongman stuff as well. Cleared to compete in Nov, so now I just have an off season to get better and stronger.

Actually have some candid shots my wife took of me on the beach as well. This is the leanest I have been at this bodyweight (195 at 5’9).


great job coming back. what happened to your ACL? Strongman?

Thanks man. Yeah, I ruptured my ACL, tore my meniscus and fractured my patella on a 775lb yoke walk. I even have video for your enjoyment, haha.

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You mean that isn’t the way your knee is supposed to bend? You went full Franco Columbu on that one. Nothing like having it on camera to relive over and over.

Would be nice if some other normal people would post in here…


@EmilyQ I think it would be weird if you were to show up at the bar I work at, stare at me all night and then follow me home to chuck a rock through my window with a note taped to it that says “I’m proud of you”.

Letting me know here is just fine, and much appreciated. You look fantastic lady!

What if I went to your bar to stare at you regularly and had observed your progress? Then would the brick be weird, maybe with a parenthetical, but completely non-come-on, “you look badass”?

We’ve already escalated from rocks to bricks?

Never thought I’d see the day that Marine wanted to be around normal people, haha.

Good to see you back in the grind dude.

@DoubleDuce That clean grinder was nuts. Good stuff dude.

@furo I am still so amazed with how well you’ve recovered from your break. It’s been awesome to watch your recovery, and being able to do it “side by side” with you online.

@twojarslave Great to see the weight on the bar go up while the weight on the scale goes down. Hope to see you in a strongman show soon.

@EmilyQ That’s some great progress, don’t downplay it.

@kpsnap Anytime you can bench after shoulder repair is good stuff.

@flipcollar Is 405 for a minute in your show? I had to a 90 seconds at 405 once and it was just horrible. Glutes locked in place for like 20 minutes. Good luck!

@ActivitiesGuy Been cool to watch your daily deadlifting pay off on that. Hope the wedding goes well!

@max13 Congrats on your meet performance dude.

@Chris_Colucci That was an amazing video to kick off the thread, haha.


Yeah, I’ve been watching The Americans, and it’s a bit violent.

Lol, no, it’s awesome really. Since I train at home I don’t get to be around monsters like you guys so this is great.

Appreciate it. Glad to see the progress you’ve made since the injury!

Thank you so much @T3hPwnisher, and same to you too! I really appreciate all of your support :slight_smile:

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Yea, it’s only 60 seconds for my show. I only went for about 50 seconds in that video, and I was spent. Adding 40 seconds on top of that would have only yielded a few extra reps, and a whole lot more pain.

And thanks man. Should be a good time. Goal is about 18 reps in the deadlift. Have yet to hear whether or not touch and go is fine. That would make a difference.

That is one of the best pulls you have ever posted…and you are looking great!! Best of luck moving forward.

WOW…good shit SIR

@ flip.C
You are suppose you shake when you are close to the top…great work!!

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