Attention Runners! Shin Splints?

[quote]TriGWU wrote:
Right Side Up wrote:
TriGWU wrote:
Did you pick up this 2 mile run all at once?

Yes, basically.

This is probably the issue.

You would be surprised… even a sudden pick up of one-mile could send someone hurtin’.

I have to agree with TriGwu on the increase in miles. When first starting out, it’s so important not to increase miles too quickly, or you do risk getting shin splints.

As far as shoes, everyone’s feet are different, so you need to find what works for you. And as Tri mentioned earlier, you may also need to have custom orthotics made.

For me, I’ve found the Asics 2100 series to be the best, along with custom orthotics. I’ve only had shin splints once, and had them treated with ART and they’ve never returned.

Good luck on your running.

Has anyone ever experienced a severe tightening of the tibialis, but not the pain associated with shin splints?

A few months ago, after years of running 2-3 miles 2 days a week, I developed a “cramping” of the shin to a point where I cannot release my toe downward. I always stretch very well, but after a half mile or so, the muscle locks up, and I have to stop (or I will get shin splints).

I have tried a full stretching regimen using some of the exercises previously stated to no avail. Any thoughts?