Arm Workout Article?

There was a workout that I spotted here about 2 months ago that involved hitting diff bicep exercises every other day.

I was searching for it today and have so far been unable to find it. I don’t know if it was written just two months ago or if I just happened on it here.

Does this sound familiar to anyone else?


[quote]choyt wrote:
There was a workout that I spotted here about 2 months ago that involved hitting diff bicep exercises every other day.

I was searching for it today and have so far been unable to find it. I don’t know if it was written just two months ago or if I just happened on it here.

Does this sound familiar to anyone else?


Maybe EDT for arms , EDT arms speialization mesocycle , is this that workout ?

It was by CT 12 weeks to Huge Guns or something like that do an author search