Are you a metrosexual?

“Waxed my unibrow last night. Does that count?”

jesus christ! be a man shave that shit!

I scored a 7…does that mean im gay!?

Hmmm… got 6 myself. That’s not really worrying, since I’m sure that ruggedly handsome babe-magnet super-studs like myself share at least a few traits in common with the average metrosexual…

I mean, sardines and great white sharks both live in the sea, have gills, swim around, etc…

But we know who’s really at the top of the food chain, don’t we?

MORAL: If you REALLY want to know if your’e metro, here’s a quick criterion to differentiate:

Hard men play hard games - Metrosexuals shop.

Real men don’t wax OR shave their unibrows.

We use pliers to rip out about 25 hairs at a time. It’s the fast, efficient way (doesn’t add significantly to our 5-minute morning prep).

Oooga Booga.

The problem here is the feminization of America. A man is no longer supposed to be a man.