Are Vials Reusable?

i have a 20cc vial of testE200 that i just finished. could i refill it with testE250 that i pulled out of sachets?

I’ve reused vials many times, never had a problem.

It would be much more sterile to leave in the syringe till you want to use the product.
See Ya

Yes, as long as it’s your own bottle. It should still be sterile, as long as you have only penetrated it with clean needles.

I’m a bit iffy about using someone else’s vial, though, for example. Even if they only put sterile needles into it, you never know…

The empty bottle could be put into a vege steamer and sterilized.

Why risk infection? Fill your syringes from the sachet using the same needle, never removing it, and set the syringe aside until you are ready to use it.

Why risk contamination by re-using an amp when they are so cheap, and further why risk contamination by emptying a sachet into a syringe, then into an AMP, then back into a syringe.

Skip the middle man can you say? Strait to syringe for the win.