Are they Sleeping at PLwatch? Rondel Hunte

Being a hedgefund manager or a doctor are other things that you can make a bunch of money at. But those also aren’t sports. Is there a reason you’re opening the discussion to non-sports?

In fairness, I’d rather watch a doctor work than a powerlifting meet, so maybe we’re onto something here.

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And fake wrestling attracts more spectators and makes more money than real wrestling. So the quality of the sport and whether or not it’s a real competition has little to do with how much money and spectators it can bring in. WWE and WCW appear to be a sport, but they are fake. I was disappointed when I found out at 8 years old and never watched it again.

Do they still show surgical operations on the Discovery channel?

Which fake sport does Tom Cruise compete in?

I hope so. Otherwise, I have seen every episode of House like 100 times.

you being fooled by pro wrestling at a young age has essentially nothing to do with anything. You compared golf (a real sport), olympic style wrestling (a real sport) with Pro wrestling (not a sport). We’re talking about actual sports. fake wrestling and real wrestling have very little to do with each other. Yes, obviously pro wrestling has more viewers and makes more money, but it’s also more akin to a tv show, a soap opera or television drama than it is to real sport. It doesn’t make money because people want to see awesome grappling technique, it makes money because of storylines.

A better comparison would have been MMA, which is a real sport, involves wrestling moves, and makes a shit ton of money.

To who?

Oh nobody special, just the Hulkamaniac-In-Chief.



Little kids and idiots.

Surely discussing how the world is viewed from the perspective of idiots is a fool’s errand, no?

It sounds like you just want something to argue about. Are your estrogen levels getting out of control?

Did you read this?

Is that how you see it?

What about when pro-wrestling promotions have once off real wrestling matches or boxing tournaments?

Is that better than golf or worse?

If this is a subtle jab at calling me an idiot, though clever, it’s unnecessary. I have remained rather civil through out this.

I’m just joking around, nothing personal. You did kind of set yourself up for it though.

If you insist.

It depends on whether @flipcollar is promoting his hedge funds on the golf course.

Do you have any idea how much money there is in cable news?

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I’m not aware of the thing you’re talking about. Are those ‘fixed’ matches, or are they legitimate? If they’re legitimate contests, then you could at least have a discussion about whether they are better or worse than golf, but at the end of the day that would just come down to ‘do you prefer the sport of wrestling or the sport of boxing or the sport of golf?’ Not really a fun discussion. There aren’t really points to be made on either side. I prefer golf, but I can understand why others would prefer combat sports.