Anyone Listen to HeavyMuscleRadio?

I personally love Dave Palumbo and John Romano’s weekly podcasts. It’s an easy way to keep yourself appraised of the current bodybuilding situation, they give an expert analysis of shows as well as the fact that you get to hear guest pro bodybuilders talk about anything from training to everyday shit. So who else listens? It’s the closest thing to having a TV show about bodybuilding, amiright?

As an aside, who else thinks that T-Nation should start up a podcast deal? I mean they could conference call with some of the authors and talk about training and nutrition. Fuck there could even be a thread sticky for topics to possibly discuss. Is this me trying to hear more of CT’s crazy cool accent, or TC talking about pretty much anything (the man’s a badass)? Maybe, I don’t know you tell me. Hell let Nate Green host the shit. He’s a pretty cool guy.