Anyone Ever Squatted on Acid?

[quote]countingbeans wrote:
God damn it. Party when you party and work when you work. [/quote]

people who fuck around on the internet at work
people who try to study in front of the TV
people who text while they are working out
people who text, or put on makeup etc. while driving
people who bring their work home when it is not necessary or required
people who talk in the library

…people who drop 'cid while repping reps.

If you want to do it (which you clearly do), go fucking do it, no need to create a thread to get the approval of others.

What, did you expect to get a bunch of responses like “hell yea dude I do it on all my de-load weeks, that shit is awesome! It felt like I was squatting the world while standing on outer space”!!!

I just wouldn’t try it on mushrooms, oy :frowning:

Have you done acid yet? Or would this be your first time? If its your first time, please* do at least a full hit (assuming its solid quality) and upload the video as previously suggested.

[quote]carbiduis wrote:

[quote]countingbeans wrote:
God damn it. Party when you party and work when you work. [/quote]

people who fuck around on the internet at work

You just called out like 99.95% of us…

[quote]carbiduis wrote:
Or would this be your first time? [/quote]

What a shit way to spend any portion of your first trip…

But let’s see…

So assuming he dropped 45-50 mins pre workout, lifted for 45 mins… He’d be in full on beam just in time TO DRIVE HOME.

Fuck this is the dumbest idea I’ve seen in awhile.

Make sure you do this in the afternoon so Mom is waiting when you get home, face melting to the floor and her words like sonic booms rattling around meaningless in your mind, and don’t panic when you start running down the drain with the water in the shower…

I’m pretty sure those of you encouraging him are GOIN TO JAIL

Lol, kidding (well half kidding anyway).

[quote]Derek542 wrote:
It’s funnier now than it was the first time I saw it.

[quote]spar4tee wrote:

[quote]Derek542 wrote:
It’s funnier now than it was the first time I saw it.[/quote]
Timing is everything my friend.

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Who said natural selection doesn’t occur anymore???[/quote]


[quote]Varqanir wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Who said natural selection doesn’t occur anymore???[/quote]

Creationists. [/quote]

Is natural selection strictly related to evolution?

[quote]theBeth wrote:

[quote]Varqanir wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Who said natural selection doesn’t occur anymore???[/quote]

Creationists. [/quote]

Is natural selection strictly related to evolution?[/quote]


[quote]Varqanir wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Who said natural selection doesn’t occur anymore???[/quote]

Creationists. [/quote]


[quote]theBeth wrote:

[quote]Varqanir wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Who said natural selection doesn’t occur anymore???[/quote]

Creationists. [/quote]

Is natural selection strictly related to evolution?[/quote]

Much in the same way as engines are “strictly related” to automobiles. Natural selection is the means by which evolution occurs over time.

First off, are you saying you have done acid before? If it is your first trip, don’t fuck around with weights and personal safety.

If you have had a few past experiences and have the ability to control yourself, then the next consideration would be have you exerted heavily before on it and not been light headed? Seriously consider that one.

I myself in years gone past (I don’t touch anything anymore) have done acid at work on several occasions and in front of my conservative parents on Christmas day 2 years in a row. It is a matter in the workplace of having work during the previous few weeks going smoothly in all ways before scheduling the time I did it, and making sure the actual work day is going perfectly smoothly with absolutely no perturbations before I would excuse myself to go to the washroom and drop the hit(s) privately in a toilet stall. As soon as that is done I would return to my work station and just get back in the rhythm of things and barely notice the transition until at some point I realize my trip at work is the newest, greatest experience in my life. After work, I then have the relief that I now have time off to do whatever with the rest of my trip.

As applied to this scenario, Maybe do some lighter work as the trip begins to hit you and ensure that your motor control is where it needs to be. And as I am saying above, ensure that the environment around is ideal and predictably going to stay that way before you commit to the trip. Also be careful who you admit it to, in case someone wants to give you a head trip, or management turfs out your membership.

(did I say be careful who you admit it to?)

[quote]DeadKong wrote:
First off, are you saying you have done acid before? If it is your first trip, don’t fuck around with weights and personal safety.

If you have had a few past experiences and have the ability to control yourself, then the next consideration would be have you exerted heavily before on it and not been light headed? Seriously consider that one.

I myself in years gone past (I don’t touch anything anymore) have done acid at work on several occasions and in front of my conservative parents on Christmas day 2 years in a row. It is a matter in the workplace of having work during the previous few weeks going smoothly in all ways before scheduling the time I did it, and making sure the actual work day is going perfectly smoothly with absolutely no perturbations before I would excuse myself to go to the washroom and drop the hit(s) privately in a toilet stall. As soon as that is done I would return to my work station and just get back in the rhythm of things and barely notice the transition until at some point I realize my trip at work is the newest, greatest experience in my life. After work, I then have the relief that I now have time off to do whatever with the rest of my trip.

As applied to this scenario, Maybe do some lighter work as the trip begins to hit you and ensure that your motor control is where it needs to be. And as I am saying above, ensure that the environment around is ideal and predictably going to stay that way before you commit to the trip. Also be careful who you admit it to, in case someone wants to give you a head trip, or management turfs out your membership.

(did I say be careful who you admit it to?)[/quote]

Although you mentioned “ensure that the environment around is ideal” there is no way to control what those around you may do. The last thing you want is a bad trip that lasts hours. Doing hallucinogens and then fucking around is stupid.

My prediction.

[quote]xXSeraphimXx wrote:
Doing hallucinogens and then fucking around is stupid.

Lol this. Dropping at work takes a special kind of stupid. What a waste.

If you are going to fuck around with powerful drugs, which is relatively dumb in the first place, but I was young once so understand, don’t piss it away by doing it at work or involving anything you take serious.

Christ sake, turn on some music, buy some beers, invite a chick over, take a couple tabs of vitamin c, smoke a couple joints, drink, fuck and enjoy yourself.

WTF is wrong with kids these days? “I want to go to my job super fucked up, or lift heavy ass weights while on super powerful drugs.” I made some stupid choices in my life, but good god.

Sex & beer while tripping are so much better than work or lifting weights while tripping, anyone doing the latter should be slapped.

If even Fr0nk hasn’t done it, don’t do it.

I vote that you do us a favor a get a vasectomy instead before you have a chance to further polute the gene pool. The fact that you even thought it was a good idea to ask this question on a public forum with your picture on it no less makes me wonder what you do for a living. Do us a favor and pass on this one, it seems extremely dangerous and the world is already running short on competent baristas.

[quote]BeefEater wrote:
My prediction.

I’m not surprised that in some place in Europe.

All I got from squatting on acid was a scarred bunghole.