Anybody Straight Edge?

I smoke a lot of weed… or use to before I was po’ as hell.

I drink on occasion (although dieting is negating that quickly.)

Hell, the other weekend, I accidentally took ecstasy. (Long story.) First time ever. I just went with the flow.

When I’m 90 I don’t want to look back on my youth and say, “Well, shit. That would have been fun.”

Remember: You can have fun without drugs and alcohol… just not as much. :slight_smile:

these days just drink…occasionally.

back in college though, a different story.

[quote]Rape Weight wrote:
jamesBond wrote:
lol at all of you.

Variety is the spice of life!

You are depriving yourselves of so much. Most of what you are abstaining from can be enjoyed responsibly without fucking up your lives.

In moderation maybe, but what’s the fun in that? Either go all out or don’t do it. The middle ground isn’t really that worth it.[/quote]

We’ll pal, thats just fucking retarded. Being sober is alright because at least your sober. But being stupid wasted just sucks ass, I fucking hate it. All you want to do it crash and no body takes you seriously. Being ‘lightly’ drunk is the best. Your more outgoing, willing to do/say more things, but your not an idiot.

Moderation is, in fact, KEY.

[quote]Cherrymennos wrote:
Ok, I’m done with my Minor Threat plug. Best straight edge band ever. Grandfathered all others.[/quote]

I read the first 2 lines of the lyrics and thought “Minor Threat. Yes!”. Haven’t listened to them in a while.

You couldn’t call me straight edge, but I’m definitely not a big drinker and have no interest in smoking or other drugs.

Only drink, and I’ve only done that about 4 times in the last 7 months.
Never thought of myself as straight edge though

Dont drink
Dont smoke
Dont take drugs.

Havent drank since i was 15, which sounds funny, im 21 now. I even have a tattoo on my ankle C-4-L. Clean for life, just a reflection of my lifestyle, its very much a personal thing, i dont preach it to other people, i think thats gay.


[quote]Cherrymennos wrote:
I’m a person just like you
But I’ve got better things to do
Than sit around and fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don’t even think about speed
That’s something I just don’t need

I’ve got the straight edge

I’m a person just like you
But I’ve got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
'Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch

I’ve got the straight edge
I’ve got the straight edge
I’ve got the straight edge
I’ve got the straight edge

After school special at it’s finest.

I’m straight. No homo.

Hey, live the way you see fit, no matter what path you choose.
You are who you are. Just don’t be self righteous about it.

I’m relatively ‘straight edge’.

I’ve never tried drugs–I grew up next to a crack house, I simply have a horrid impression of them overall.

I’ve never tried a cigarette, simply because I adore the smell and crave them for a reason I don’t understand, hence I know if I smoke one, I’ll never stop again. (ie, knowing my limits)

I have drank on occasion, still do sometimes, but I try to avoid it because theres a lot of calories, and I already spent enough years of my life as a tub 'o lard.

Now, I don’t care anyone does these things, as YoMama said, let people live their lives.

PS: I don’t find ‘GOD’ to be hogwash. Figured I’d throw out that stipulation, since you did.

Wow, pleasantly surprised to see so much love for Minor Threat. Definitely the best sXe band, although I think Rage Against the Machine’s cover of “In My Eyes” was even better.

Almost, but I heart the booze.

Far from straight edge…I love to hit the heavy weights, but gotta live! Gotta keep it all in perspective, too, Work hard, play hard, live fast and leave a good looking corpse!

I’m straight edge, makes dating life hard…

[quote]Yo Momma wrote:
Hey, live the way you see fit, no matter what path you choose.
You are who you are. Just don’t be self righteous about it.[/quote]

Good words. I’m all for people who are sXe. I’m all for people who want to smoke crack. It’s not my life to live. Anyone who goes around shoving this shit in others’ faces is no better than religious folks pushing their beliefs on others, or even lifters. Everyone wants to look good nekkid, but you can’t FORCE anyone else to do shit they don’t want to.

From a Kaze song, “Waiting to Exhale;”

‘There’s six million ways to die… and I choose one.’

I’ve loved Minor Threat since their heyday. I live a clean lifestyle, so in a sense I am straight-edge.

I’m as serrated as they come.

I only smoke recreationally. I wont go out of my way to buy it. I try not to drink because my family has a history of alcoholics. If I do drink though, I’ll only drink hard alcohol and mix it with something cause I hate the taste of beer and alcohol in general.

Hell no.

No. I like beer and wine to much.