Anybody else kinda scared??

My throat is starting to get a little sore!

The so called Spanish Flu which struck during WW1 ending up killing more people than WW1. So the common cold can be quite deadly.

The common cold is relatively harmless.

The flu is something different entirely.

“lab manufactured”? Hmmm, kinda sounds like “Cap’n Trips” maybe.

Dammit, where’d I leave that Sterno?

Hello? Randall, is that you?

About 20,000 people die of the plain ordinary flu every year. As mentioned earlier, less than 10 people have died from this pneumonia. Get real people.

If you think the odds of catching this pneumonia are “scary”, or even of catching the new drug-resistant staph going around, then I suggest you start buying lotto tickets, 'cause your odds of winning the jackpot are much better.

I believe its Catain Tripps, Who would like to join me in my pilgramage to Las Vegas???

Lesson=The Stand RULES!!!

This is an illuminati plot… I just KNOW it!