Any Inefficiencies in This Plan?

5 Day Split
Training Deads and Squat with 1 Leg Day, I still play college club sports so with my bodybuilding emphasis I still use a more explosive athletic emphasis for leg day. However, laterly traing Squat with Deads on leg day is too much so i was thinking…


Wondering about you input into this?

Looks okay.

DLs typically get my shoulders pretty well, though.

Why are you so bent on DLing? I’m guessing switching them up to different days isn’t going to help a whole lot.

I know this may go against the Almighty T-Nation Handbook of Rules, but you know you can train your back without doing Deadlifts.

…just sayin’.

Truth thanks for the input.

However, T-Nation Handbook or not I really enjoy the deads probably even more than squats but front and paused box squats make my speed/vert noticeably better so I was looking for a new way to program them both in.
I was more along the lines of Lower back-recovery as well total programing efficiency.

If you’re trying to keep those same days, why not:


Same days, but two days minimum between squatting and deadlifting. Only overlap would be ant. delts between days 2 and 3.