
Well, its spring and that unfortunately means its allergy season.

I was wondering, does taking antihistamines have any effects on muscle growth, strength levels, or hormone production?


not directly but Histamines do seem to play quite an important role in a lot of systems in the body. Sleep and metabolism being the most pertinent.

Wow it effects a lot. I doubt that taking my claritin will alter my sleep or metabolism, but it does make one wonder what all that pill popping does…

I would suggest using a combo of Glutamine and Vit C to combat your allergies instead…also good for colds, chills and mild fevers.

Interesting. I thought they up regulate the immune system. If so, is that the desired effect during allergies?

[quote]xilinx wrote:
Interesting. I thought they up regulate the immune system. If so, is that the desired effect during allergies? [/quote]

Seems to me that Antihistamines don’t up regulate the immune system as much as they depress the H1 receptors, which decreases the flare and swelling responses of the body.

They pretty much allow you to function normally while the cause of the allergy dissipates.

I was referring to the comment re Glutamine and Vit C .