Anti-Boy T-Shirts


Congratulations Cupcake! You’ve just added a point to the International Dumb Bitch Census.

Find a new forum if you want to tote that man-hating shit, because not everyone wants to hear it.

~You had my attention only because your a moron~

P-DOG you forgot…
“Cunt The Other White Meat”

Feminists are the female equivalent to metrosexuals(not that there’s anything wrong with that).

Hey Arsenal… is that short for Arse and Anal… sorry… just got side tracked…

Back off on the 'Cake… go and re read his post and don’t take the content of it so seriously… Jeez… who’s got their knickers in a knot and all for a post on a hate boys t-shirt forum… wtf!

Was this thread suppose to be a serious one?


Soulninja needs a hug.

I’ll just stick with my anti-social gym t-shirts (some provided by Animalpak):

“I’m not here to talk”

“Shut the fuck up and train”

front “What the fuck are you looking at?”
back “Go back to your damn stair climber…”

I don’t worry about the man hate crap…real women and real t-vixens don’t need that bs.

P-Dog…Godamn those were funny…I had forgotten about those! This is the exact point here…there is nothing more offensive in the “cunt” shirts than “boys are stupid”…a little sense of humour goes a long way…I mean unless you are a eunuch…hey, speaking of eunuchs…


When your balls finally drop and your voice stops that quivering thing…you will find that it’s O.K to laugh about yourself and the foibles of being male. Your assumption that T-Mag is some sort of secret club for He-man women haters is a little off…see after years of sitting in a cave participating in circle jerks evolution has allowed us to realize that it’s a whole lot more fun to indulge in misogynistic philandering with the fairer sex… of course with your big ONE post who could expect you to know better. Tell the boys in the cave that us guys outside said “Hey” will you?

Now shut the fuck up before Chessie kicks your ass. She can. She will.

…and she’ll make it look easy too.

“God writes a lot of comedy… the trouble is, he’s stuck with so many bad actors who don’t know how to play funny”

  • Garrison Keillor

(Erika…you get honourable mention alongside the cunt shirts)

By far the best collection of “offensive” t-shirts is here:


Holy Crap! Great feaking post.

I felt like you stepped into my head and started spewing out my own thoughts.


Glad to see more people “get it.”

Man that makes me wanna rip shit up!

As a woman, reading these responses have disgusted me. I am thankful that there are companies out there that are profiting from your female hating asses…How does it feel to have females wearing offensive, hateful statements towards your gender. Welcome to what women have been feeling for decades/ centuries. To bad this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Some people just don’t get it.

And after such displays, girls still wonder why we can’t respect them.

You reap what you sow, girls.

Another proof that fashion = stupidty.

'Nuff said.

“Girls are stupid, throw rocks at them”

“Blacks are stupid, throw rocks at them”

“Jews are stupid, throw rocks at them”

Or imagine someone living outside of the USA wearing a shirt saying:
“Americans are stupid, throw rocks at them”

Personally, I’m just getting tired of “white males” being the only “safe” group to make the butt of all jokes.
Add insult to injury, if you even mildly complain that these types of comments bother you, you’re branded as a pussy.

I will be the first to admit to a “moderately” inappropriate sense of humour but a question rears it’s head when I read some of the opinions here (it slides in-between “I should really scratch that” and “Boobies”)…and at the risk of alienating a bunch of newer posters…I have to ask:

What’s with the desperate need to be offended? It seems as though every time I turn around there is some new group who has banded together so they can protest the wrongs done to them by a group that just yesterday were the ones holding the protest signs and being wronged themselves.

Is this just a symptom of an unhealthy society where the “Me too’s” have now infected even the dubious realm of the offended? Maybe next we can all get “Me too-y” about leprosy and fatal halitosis too. When this has it’s run and is buried along the other Achy Breaky Hearts and Pogs of the worlds worthy causes I wonder what uber-wuss Glenn Sacks will latch on to next?

“Next on My side with Glenn Sacks, The Murse exposed for the insidious attempt to lower my self-esteem and thereby minimize my professional effectiveness and ultimately close the wage gap that doesn’t really exist but is only a fraudulently fabricated news story repeated by feminist friendly commie news outlets”…right after a word from our sponsor “Ten Inch Pole”…Slogan - 'cause when you have a Ten Inch Pole up your ass, you don’t have any room for your brains.

Maybe the Glenn Sacks of the world know that self-pity and a desperate desire to have it “just as bad as the other guy” sells?..and if that is the case, how do you feel about buyin?

Perhaps if us downtrodden white males were to grow a sack and just be male instead of boxing ourselves into a tidy little segment that Angus Reid has decided fits like a proper white collar shirt we would not tolerate being manipulated into roaring off to fight the Yin of Feminism with the Yang of Manism. Or maybe we just like being manipulated and herded by a snake oil salesman who can charm us into believing that for the price of compliance we too can rise up to our rightful place of honour in society…even if we have to take a step down to get there.

I can understand that a shrug and “whatever” can’t be everyone’s response to this but I think that if I willing to allow your right to make a mountain out of a molehill, then I can bitch about the construction…and especially the fact that there seems to be an awful lot of those fat guys with ass-crack working on your site.

Get 'em a fucking belt would ya.

“Society is one vast conspiracy for carving one into the kind of statue likes, and then placing it in the most convenient niche it has”

  • Randolph Bourne

and not ONLY does the guy’s locker room stink, but theres lotta cool stuff to see in the women’s side.

Poor white guys… being oppressed and marginalized for oh, how long… oh yeah…right.

Cake - you make a good case. If ANYONE has the right to bitch about being dumped on its gotta be the pygmy peoples of Irian Jaya. But you don’t see them lining up outside showings of The Passion with wee signs demonstrating against White Christian males who are so smug in their snug-fitting shorts and Bryan Adams-esque good hair.

Wise Cake or wise ass? Hmmm… I think a bit of both, but that brings some very unpleasant mental imagery to mind. Yuck.

My response to this highly inflamatory post is similiar but more ass-holish in nature, enjoy.

Oh no! Not immature bitches wearing stupid t-shirts that are derogatory towards boys! Waaah-waaah, boooo-hoooo… The opinions of the girls wearing those t-shirts is so vastly important to me that I just couldn’t stand it if they expressed thier displeasure with… Uh, boys. All those other t-shirts were also very hurtfull and offensive, and my poor little tender feelings were smashed all to bits and now I can’t feel happy about myself or our society anymore. Quick, somebody call the waaambulance.

Um, yah…

I am a man, and I also happen to think that boys are stupid. When I was a boy, I sure as hell was.

Those other t-shirts, so damn crude and offensive, and fucking hilarious! Keep em coming!
