Another School Shooting in Indiana

If someone refuses to allow an open conversation then they are an obstacle, a problem, when it comes to having that conversation. The real way to shut down a conversation is to read between the lines and respond with, “so what you are saying…” I didn’t bring up confiscation or even legislation in general yet, some posters went to default “don’t take my guns” mode. In other words: “so what you are saying is they should take my guns.”

I think you should have kept that pedo fantasy to yourself.

No one is going to bite.

Why not? Everything should be on the table.

History, recent history, has answered that in the affirmative.

For what purpose? If they can take away every freedom and let people keep their guns then it makes confiscation unnecessary and guns useless as guardians of freedom.

I’m not the one with the reading comprehension problem. I suggest you go back to the beginning of the thread and follow the flow of the conversation. You’re right, you didn’t bring up confiscation, @Sloth did, I responded, and you responded from there.

You doing ok?

Yeah. I understand that you were talking past each other.

That specific communication pattern is just a pet peeve of mine. Didn’t mean to point it out at your expense.

Second sentence: any study. You might also want to read the last sentence.

Frisking kids isn’t my thing,.

Study: The Role of Guns in Mass Shooting by USMCCDS423

They’re the inanimate tools used to carry out mass shooting. /end study

There, just saved the taxpayer $8M and two wasted years doing nothing.


You ok, though? You seem unusually hostile. You are turning frisking into something sexual on my part. With children, of all groups. Kind of over the top reply to myself, don’t you think? Hope things are well with you and you simply don’ like me or something.

By not discussing it? But yes, this is a bite in of itself. Everything should be on the table.

Nah, you came in after confiscation was brought up and then said “nothing will ever happen unless EVERYTHING is on the table” directly after we were talking about taking “em all away”. THEN you mention studying the role of guns.

Conversations with multiple people, particularly online, don’t happen how you must think they happen.

How come beating ISIS is almost assuredly impossible. But defeating insurgent Americans in a full blown US government gone tyrannical scenario–or a foreign government in the future does manage to overwhelm our regular military–is a guarantee? Just thinking about the purpose of the 2nd, again.



Straw man. Can we not stick to what we’re actually addressing? Disarming the American public will never happen without bloodshed and it is against everything this country was founded on. That’s why a bunch of us want it off the table.

No I am not.

Ok, fair enough. My general argument is that a wannabe totalitarian government wouldn’t even need to disarm the American population - after all, most of the freedom arguments revolve around the Second Amendment in a circular fashion - I need my guns to remain free so that I can keep my guns.

If your rights are trampled left and right by the central government, if a jittery militarized police has on numerous instances shot and killed law abiding gun owners in their homes, what’s the point of having guns? To provide an illusion of freedom?

Don’t get me wrong, you guys buying more guns is great for me personally as it positively affects my livelihood, but I would really like to hear a remotely plausible scenario in which the American gun carrying patriots take out to the streets, and that it doesn’t revolve around the specific issue of gun ownership?

Giving back Alaska to Russia or Texas to Mexico? FEMA murdering people in the streets? I’m not being facetious, I would really love to hear what would it take to bring gun owning American patriots out into the streets. Ok, they can’t take your guns. But I guess they can do everything else then?

As someone who unfortunately has first hand experience in these matters, the truth is much more unnerving and depressing. And that’s not for the lack of physical courage or moral values of the population as a whole.

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I hereby declare confiscation to be off the table. Thus, it no longer needs to be countenanced, much less debated.

Moving on…

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You’re gonna be waiting a bit

Gun confiscation is the most obvious catalyst but not because it revolves around gun ownership, but because it’s always the step taken right before the murdering starts.