Another School Shooting in Indiana

The gun isn’t motivating these kids to shoot up schools no more than cars motivate people to drink and drive.


It is quite possible it is a combination of many things that have come together at this point in history.

Time to crackdown on messages out there! Heck yeah!

Edit: “Censorship!”

Do you know that from talking to those kids? Do you know what they think when they see a gun? The problem is misunderstanding what I mean by this. It doesn’t mean get rid of guns, it means that if kids see something when they see a gun (power for example) we need to address why that is.

Nobody needs to own pistols or shotguns. Law enforcement excepting.

Or it could be that parents need to be the censors they are supposed to be anyway.

Define need.

That’s like blaming a knife if a kid picked up one and stabbed a classmate with it. But hey, ban guns, fine. Ban them all. I don’t own a single one. They actually are more costly, society wide, than beneficial, after all. Legal gun ownership is by far a better means of providing crazy mass shooters and mad dog inner city kids with their tools than it is for self defense. But, it’s time to start looking at the shooting simulators we call entertainment then, too.

Can’t rely on that. Not one more child should die because of our inaction. 1st amendment fetishization must stop.

No, no. Not even law enforcement, excepting for special reactionary teams. Guns make cops want to shoot brown people.

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Define, “define”.

That’s like saying online bullying is a problem the fredom to spreak freely should be on the table. Change the 2a and SCOTUS precedent and, sure, it can be on the table. It ain’t gonna happen. Not anytime soon.

Hell, what if it’s the anti-gun/activist stuff that is perpetuating this? Making these marginalized outcast kids see an avenue for celebrity. And for becoming a change engine. Power to affect an entire nation. Kill your classmates and everyone knows your name. You spawn nationwide movements, debates, marches from your acts. People are ready to pass laws because of you.

Edit: We always say we shouldn’t change (when we aren’t passing the Patriot Act) our way of life out of fear of terrorism. Dunno.

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Do you really care about protecting people? Or do you just hate those nasty metal objects known as firearms?

Let’s ignore this, cause, you know, no one died:

And let’s also ignore this, cause it makes responsible gun owners look good:

You think that armed bystander should have his gun taken away? Hell no, He’s a fucking hero.

A lot of gun owners are afraid of the same thing you are, the difference is they choose to stand up for themselves, instead of taking rights away, like a coward.

Do you really care about these people? Bullshit, you’re afraid of guns cause you don’t understand anything about them… What have you done about this?

Guns are objects, chunks of metal/plastic/wood, nothing more. Much like cars, knives, nail guns, blunt instruments, cement trucks etc. Ban one, ban all.

A 7 yr old in my hometown just killed himself (accidentally) with an unsecured gun last week…I didn’t hear ANYTHING about it beyond local news, yet that was 1/10th of the deaths as the Texas shootings. Still want to tell me you care so much about kids?? The media doesn’t, therefore you don’t either.

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Anyway, apparently used handguns.

We made alcohol illegal. The mob and bootleg booze was born. Now it’s legal.

We’ve made drugs illegal. There’s an enormous black market for drugs. Enormous cartels, death, etc… Now marijuana is becoming legal and probably will be country wide in the next decade. The war on drugs has been a costly failure.

I wonder what will happen if we ban and confiscate guns?


Yep I do since I turned 18 a few years ago

I’m done for whatever as long as kids aren’t being shot at school to be honest.

It’s sad that we are considering making schools like prisons with metal detectors and shit

Are you down for whatever or not? I’m confused. If metal detector make kids safe aren’t you good with that?

To @Sloth point, 15 years ago I used to come home on leave from the Marine Corps and just walk in my old school, join a gym class, and just shoot the shit with old classmates and teachers. Now, there’s no way that could happen. Not in this climate not with these shootings. Looking at guns is such a waste of time until we know what has changed and figure out a way to fix it.

No pun intended.