Another Artificial Sweetener?

“Lead tastes sweet. In fact, lead (II) acetate [Pb(C2H3O2)2·3H2O] is a compound that has another name: sugar of lead. Sugar of lead has been used as a sweetener throughout history. No honey or sugar? No problem! There is a calorie-free alternative. It’s toxic, but you won’t put on pounds from eating it. If you use enough of it, you might forget to eat altogether. The perfect diet aid.”

  • Dr. Anne Marie Helmenstine, PhD

Please PLEASE don’t try this.

(I ran across this while doing some research on using a lead acetate + alum solution for waterproofing canvas. Completely unrelated, I just thought it was too amusing to not share.)

In other news, cyanide tastes like almonds.

So, cyanide laced lead acetate tastes like sweetened almonds? I think we’re onto something here.

[quote]LoRez wrote:
So, cyanide laced lead acetate tastes like sweetened almonds? I think we’re onto something here.[/quote]

Yep. The ultimate appetite suppressant.

Lead was used as a sweetner in ancient Rome,they called it suppa. Lead shot was often added to a bottle of wine to improve the flavour. It helped women achieve the deathly pale face that was so fashionable at the time.