Androstenediol, clomid???

When you quit a cycle with 4-androstenediol, does your own natural T-levels “hit the ground”, therefor do you need clomid after a cycle with 4-AD?
I have looked everywhere but can’t find any answer.


Does It mather if the 4-androstenediol comes from a company like AST? Is it still as effective as biotest’s ?

please help

You can use Tribulis and Di-Indolin instead of Clomid. Just make sure you buy a STANDARDIZED Tribulus product. Regarding your second question: 4-AD is 4-AD. It doesn’t matter in the least who the hell sells it.

You don’t need Clomid after a 2 week cycle with Androsol: natural T comes back pretty fast. However it would come back even faster with Clomid.

If AST sells a topical spray 4-AD formulated the same as Androsol with the same kind of sprayer, then you can expect it to be equally effective as Androsol. I don’t think they do, and if you’re comparing oral capsules vs Androsol, the answer is no, the oral 4-AD is not as effective.

Mr. Roberts: you wrote: “You don’t need Clomid after a 2 week cycle with Androsol: natural T comes back pretty fast. However it would come back even faster with Clomid”.

What with the 2 weeks??? Can you explane? Do you mean 2W on/4 weeks off? If you do, can you please give me a good cycle…