Androgen Receptor Implicated in Hair Loss

Oh i know that. You don’t understand, i’m a nerd of extreme proportions. I crave knowledge, it facinates me for its own sake :slight_smile:

Like when i got into MMA 6 years ago - i went nuts with a mountain of sports science books, nutritional science literature, training programmes, Russian/East German studies, god loads of stuff that is TOTALLY UNECESSARY for my training, but i’m obsessive compulsive like that.

This is why i am so inquisitive.

And yeah, i know that about proviron.


Edit: I’m out.

I did know that Brook. I’m curious as to the nature of what these “androgenic” effects are.

aw, boo…

I wanted to see more debate on this. I’m trying to figure out what to do with all my proviron sitting around. Maybe I’ll just start dosing my girl so I can get laid more.

(That was a joke. I do not endorse “dosing” anyone.)