And We Were All Overreacting Over BLM?

Oh sure. Be it rioting into the capital or attacking federal courthouses and ICE personnel , left or right, lock them up to the full extent. Maybe the “mostly peaceful” “voice of the unheard” malarkey will go away now.

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Haven’t heard anything about the Capitol Hill Police Officer that died(Sicknick…not the one that killed himself), for awhile… Anyone have an update?

He’s still dead.

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I guess this means he IS pro-police?

It means the Proud Boys are run as a government false flag for white supremacy, under the beds, bete noir:)

He’s anti prison rape.

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“Last year, the foundation’s expenses were approximately $8.4 million — that includes staffing, operating and administrative costs, along with activities such as civic engagement, rapid response and crisis intervention.”

What? Civic engagement? They mean Tweeting where to go protest. Rapid response? Again, Twitter. Crisis intervention? Again, Twitter and when they say intervention they mean instigation.

None of that costs money. What you have are a handful of leeches who have monetized activism and are paying themselves large salaries.


And here is your follow up -

People say this is contrary to marxism but it is perfectly normal for people who learned about marxism in college. But good for her, I believe in capitalism so why not monetize activism and social justice?

On a serious note, she’s a piece of shit who only makes things worse for the people she claims to speak for. She somehow managed to be worse than Al Sharpton and Farrakhan.


They can talk about every town but I think that if they tried that in most towns it would not end how they think.

Hear, hear.

And she owns three other houses as well.

You guys need a proper police force like ours. Watch and learn…

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